Revenge for the 9-11 Short Sellers.
Just a reminder about some of the events preceding the 9-11 attacks in New York City.
The Buildings destroyed were probably set to blow [Demolish.] Even though the city declined the permits because of reasons below.
The owners of the buildings were being ordered by the eco-nazis of NYC to remove the asbestos in the buildings which would cost more than $200 million in renovations. Think on that.
The gold in the vaults in one of the buildings was never recovered. Meaning it was removed beforehand.
The buildings were recently insured for terrorist activity at double indemnity. The total potential payout is $7.1 billion, more than enough to build new buildings and leave a huge profit for the Silverstein Group. The lease was purchased by the Silverstein Group [Developer Larry Silverstein and investors Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre] for $3.2 billion.
In addition to that, the US airline's stocks were massively "Shorted" on Wall Street.
Whatever you believe happened on 9-11, going on 20 years ago, some key occupants of the buildings moved out a week before. And several occupants were warned to stay away on that day. As it was election day in NY, folks would be arriving late in any case and 25,000 folks were missing when the buildings were hit fortunately. Or planned?
The folks behind 9-11 don't want you to know the truth. In my opinion, they are the same folks who don't want you to know the truth about the assassination of JFK. Or the truth of the 2008 crises in liquidity of the world's financial markets.
And this brings up the run on Gamestop stock this week. Reports are that the hedge-funds are getting squeezed by a grassroots movement started online who became aware of the massive short.
Friday the 29th of January is the margin call for the Hedge folks who borrowed heavily to short a stock at 7 dollars which is now 450 dollars meaning they will have to buy back the stock at 64 times its value if trends continue through tomorrow.
Here is what this means. Dozens of billions in losses. Greater than what will be made public. The Funds will go insolvent. The loans made by the large banks will go unpaid. Markers with politicians will get called in. And the US taxpayer will be called in to bail out a gambling operation. And the truth of it will be buried by a compliant press. IF WE LET IT.
Since, in my opinion, the same folks who don't want you to know the truth here, are the same folks who were behind all of it. This little exercise to punish them by online heroes buying a stock may be their just deserts for their earlier crimes of at least foreknowledge, but most likely participation.
REVENGE FOR 9-11 is at hand. I guess these rich oligarchs who run everything will really be able to use that 600 dollar stimulus check now. Barring that, they will demand we get into another war and pay it off with profits from the sale of weapons and American blood. Do you miss Trump yet?