
in shortstories •  7 years ago 

You lived on Earth. Planet Earth, in the Milky Way Galaxy. The third planet from the sun. It had water, and land, and breathable air.

And you were the only human.

You didn't know what happened to the rest of humanity, all you knew, was that something had happened, and now it was just you left.
But you weren't alone. No, if you had been left alone you didn't know what you'd done. Maybe gone mad, maybe you would have been fine.

In fact, you weren't even sure you were human anymore. It had been a long time since society as you knew it had died and and even longer time since you'd been brought into this world.

The year, was 2384. Humanity had been wiped out by an unknown source, leaving nothing but dust to be swept up in the wind. Somehow, you had survived. You didn't know how, but whatever it was that had killed everyone else, had made you immortal. You'd stopped aging that day, stuck where you were and had lived hundreds of years more than your should have.

The world was now populated by people who you had once thought were just legends. Mermaids, Shapeshifters, Werewolves, Vampires, Fairies, Sirens, Dragons, you name it, they were there.

But just because their were people who some might consider supernatural, doesn't mean that life is perfect. Further, it doesn't mean that all the "Bad" people are bad and the "Good" people are good.

In your years of living, you'd met thousands of people, hundreds of thousands, each different from the next. You'd met Shapeshifters with stretch marks on their bodies, disabled mermaids who couldn't swim right.
There were religious vampires, who struggled through their lives trying to balance their ideologies and their basic needs.
There were female -and male- werewolves, with facial and body hair and not letting people give them a problem for it. It was the way they looked and they weren't going to let other people bother them about it.
Sirens were considered evil, using their powers to lure people to their doom. But they chose to learn sign language just so that they could communicate with people without hurting them.

And the best part was, they were all fighting for equal rights.

Fairies who couldn't fly, pushing and forcing for better accessibility, not only for them, but for every one who wasn't perfect.
Ghosts and spirits saving people from fires and natural disasters, giving the living a chance to keep living, because they can get to places that the living just can't.
Dragons fostering children, giving the "Hordes" of children who were without parents and families a safe and warm place for them to grow up in. They can leave as soon as they live, or never if they wanted.

And there were parts of the "New Society" that were taken from the old one.
Witches with cooking shows, where they made potions and charms , telling you what you should and shouldn't do.
Psychics teachers who knew exactly what was wrong with their students and helping them in the way they should be helped.
Dryads who were huge environmental activists and worked on amazing nature preserves.
Mermaids who became the worlds best marine Biologists.
Elves who run libraries filled with magic scrolls and rune books.

It was, in your opinion, a better world.

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