Okay, so check this out: As I'm sure all of you remember, back in 2021 I had a short story, "Everybody Knows Your Name", published in East Of the Web, an online fiction magazine. The original short story is here:
And the post I made about it is here:
Not that you need to read the blog post, but I try to be thorough. Anyway, the story has been translated and republished ... in Romanian.
It has TOO. I have proof:
Amazingly, my name in Romanian is the same as my name in English.
Ha! Told you. The Senior Editor, a very nice man named Nicu Gecse, asked if I would allow the story on fictiuni.ro for their tenth anniversary issue. As you might imagined, I checked to make sure it's the real deal, and it is--they've even published an Isaac Asimov story.
"Everyone Knows Your Name" is the story of a time traveler whose first trip--as tends to happen with time travelers--doesn't go at all the way he planned. I love time travel stories, and I tried to make this one original, and ... maybe I succeeded. If not, I'll just go back to 1955 and try again.
So you people taking Romanian to get that language minor, here you go--enjoy! Of course, the story won't be a true classic until it's translated into Klingon.
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Remember, if you ever go time traveling, take a good translation book with you.