Short story: Series of Unfortunate Unrelated Related Events #1 - To Love in Sickness, Health, and Blood

in shortstory •  7 years ago 

26 years old KC woke up in bed beside the love of his life, Kiera. Even before reaching the milestone of dating for five years non-stop, they both already knew with every bit of their heart and soul their love would take them everywhere and anywhere beautiful.
Opening his eyes, KC turned on his side and first thing he saw was the smooth fair rump of his lover curvaceously facing his way with her hair spilled over her turned away face and neck so he could see nothing of her head. But the familiar curve of her nude hip facing him was enough to clear every stretch of his circulation of all sleep.
Her steady breathing called to him and he responded by easing his body closer to hers – his groin led the charge. He knew she was a light sleeper so it was with great care he drew the curtain of luxuriant chestnut hair off her face. The parted curtain revealed a cute pointed nose, anime like chin, and long eyelashes that looked like a beautician had styled them while she slept. KC couldn’t help but grin at how perfect she was and he grinned even harder when he saw his stealthy movement hadn’t woken her. Lightly, he traced a finger across her smooth cheek and beneath the ruby red of a lower lip. Her eyelids didn’t even flutter.
KC snorted lightly with humour. I can play this game too, he thought as he slid his hand down to her waist and trailed his nails faintly from there to her hip, down to that intersection where her thighs met in a V shape.
“Now that’s cheating,” Kiera gasped as a shudder ran through her. She grasped the wrist of his exploring hand without opening her eyes, but now she’s grinning. “It’s too early for you to be this bad,” she whispered.
“Don’t pretend you don’t know I was born bad.” KC growled.
It was a literal growl that sounded like a mature Puma on an overdose of testosterone.
“WOAH!” Kiera exclaimed as she shot up in bed fully awake. Her eyes were wide as she turned to face KC. “Dude! What’s up with your voice?”
KC too was surprised and was massaging his throat. He was used to waking up sounding like a toad but not like this. In his opinion, he sounded like Vin Diesel with vocal chords on hard core steroids. “What?” he asked, “You like it?”
“Like it? I love it but it sounds nothing like you.” Kiera said moving closer, “Is your throat sore.”
KC stopped touching his throat so his hands could do something more enjoyable. He grabbed his girl and pulled her closer. “Well you better enjoy it while it lasts because I’m sure it’s gonna clear up in a few minutes.”
“Aww, can’t you make it last for another hour? For me…” Kiera teased with a seductive pout.
“I don’t know, but I’ve got something else that can last for an hour.” KC rumbled.
Genuinely curious, Kiera raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that?”
With a flourish, KC threw the blanket of his naked body. “My voice isn’t the only thing that woke up super hard this morning.”
Kiera burst into a fit of giggles. “Oh my god, you’re so bad!” she squealed and tried to escape the bed.
“You know it mama.” KC replied also laughing as he easily caught her and pulled her warm body into his hot embrace.
The morning sun streaming in through the window briefly hid behind a cloud in embarrassment when it saw what wild things KC and Kiera were up to.

It's been a couple of days and KC’s voice has levelled out from sounding like rocks in a barrel to sounding like the seductive purr of a powerful Harley Davidson. And Kiera loves it. Every time he talks now she pictures his throat is lined with a thick layer of liquid chocolate. Even better, it feels like Barry White whispering in her ear every time they talk on the phone.
But because of the suddenness and the inexplicability of the change in his voice, after the third day KC started using cough drops but nothing changed.
Kiera got him some codeine but that didn’t help either.
After scouring the internet, they came across some home remedies such as gargling hot water and salt, drinking hot lemon tea, drinking hot lemon tea with honey, drinking hot lemon tea with honey and ginger, drinking hot lemon tea with honey, ginger and garlic, but nothing changed. KC’s voice remained irredeemably bass and sexy.
Finally fearing it was an infection or perhaps –God forbid- throat cancer, they visited the hospital where KC was declared fitter than a horse. So fit that the doctor had to shake KC’s hand and tell him to keep up the good work. The doctor even recommended KC become a personal trainer and help other men achieve such peak fitness.
This was good news and Kiera was super gleeful that she could now enjoy her new boyfriend upgrade with zero worries. KC satisfied with his clean bill of health didn’t mind either. After all, it was nice to have women gawk at him whenever he spoke in public.
Later that night after the hospital, KC and Kiera were in the shower bathing each other when something suddenly struck Kiera as odd.
“Yeah?” KC answered distractedly.
“Were you always this hairy? ‘Cos I distinctly remember making fun of your girlishly smooth skin.”
“What are you talking about you crazy fox?” KC said turning off the shower. But as the steam cleared from the bathroom, he was appalled to find his chest matted with thick curls of hair. He looked like a bear.
“Grrrr…” Kiera growled playfully clawing her fingers through the fine matted hair on his chest.
“Stop it, it’s not funny.” KC said. It was almost with panic he jumped out of the shower and headed for the mirror.
After wiping the glass clear of its fog, he paused in awe. The hair on his previously perfectly smooth chest was dark and from pec to pec, extending all the way down to just below his navel.
Kiera stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. “Damn! There’s even a trail down your back.” She said running her fingers up and down his spine. She was surprised at how good it felt, “Luckily it doesn’t get all the way down to your butt crack. Now that would have been gross.”
“But I didn’t even notice it growing. I don’t even know when this happened.” KC said while raking his fingers through his new chest hair like he was trying to claw it out. “What’s happening to me?”
“Hey stop that!” Kiera chided as she held his hands. “You’ll scratch yourself bloody if you keep doing that. Besides, the hair isn’t so bad. It’s not like it’s all over you. And the way it’s distributed is kinda cool too.”
KC turned back to the mirror. Since Kiera wouldn’t let him scratch, he used his palm to rub down on his chest. It looked like he was trying to push the hair back into his skin.
Without warning, Kiera spanked his naked bum from behind. “Growl for me my sexy bear.” She commanded in a playful Russian accent.
“It’s not funny Kiera. Okay?” KC snapped. “Weird shit is happening to me.”
Kiera lost her smile. “I’m sorry,” She apologized.
Hearing her pained tone, KC immediately felt horrible. “No, please, I am sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way. It’s just… I don’t know what’s going on with me and it’s kind of making me anxious.”
“But the doctor already said you good. So there’s nothing to worry about. Besides, it’s not like you are deformed or anything.” Kiera said as she massaged KC’s taut shoulder muscles. They felt so big under her small hands.
She turned him around so he would like into her face instead of his reflection in the mirror. “Tell you what, how about we check the internet tomorrow and see what we find? There might be an alien virus going around that’s driving people’s hormones and pituitary glands crazy.”
KC rolled his eyes. “You know you play too much.”
Kiera stood on her tip toes and kissed the corner of his lips. “I learnt from a master.”
KC’s smile at first hesitant soon erased the worry lines on his forehead. He sighed. “Okay. We’ll check what the Wise World Web has to tell us tomorrow.”
“Carry me.” Kiera asked and raised her hands like a little kid asking a parent to lift her up.
KC grinned and obliged. It was one of his favourite things and he lifted her with ease like a cradled baby in his arms.
As he took them out of the bathroom, Kiera took his face in her palm and whispered, “You’re fine okay? I’m with you all the way.”
KC paused and looked down at his bundle of joy cradled in his arms. He instinctively raised her closer for a kiss. But then she suddenly jumped out of his hands and hid behind a doorpost.
“Get your stinking paws off me you damn dirty ape!” Kiera teased and disappeared behind the door.
“How dare you call me an ape!?” KC yelled running after her, “Now I’ve got no choice but to feed you this banana.”
Kiera squealed and threw her towel at him.
The night ended with both lovers wrapped safely and warmly in the cocoon of each other’s loving arms.

Once they wake the next morning and Kiera has her steaming mug of coffee and KC has his steaming tea of lemon, honey, ginger and garlic -which he is addicted to now-, they boot up their faithful beat up Inspiron laptop and pay a visit to the mighty god of the web. Google.
After visiting a few pages including WebMd in search of answers concerning KC’s abrupt symptoms, girlfriend and boyfriend conclude what KC is experiencing is a late hormonal development. Meaning, what’s probably happening is the testosterone and other manly hormones that should have oozed through KC’s body over a period of time during his puberty stage is now being released all at once thus causing all the sudden bizarre changes in his physiology.
Draining her now cold coffee, Kiera summarised, “According to this, you’re becoming a real man and I’ve been dating a boy all this while.” She paused as something occurred to her, “Hol’up! I never counted before but do you have one or two testis? ‘Cos I’m suspecting only one or neither might have dropped prior to your voice going bass.”
“Laugh all you want, I’m still sexier than you.” KC replied while still reading from the laptop.
“If that’s the case, you better get real good at practicing self-love. You and your left hand her due for a reunion anyway.” Still teasing, Kiera suddenly noticed a smell. A musky smell. Doing a quick sweep with her nose, she found the smell was coming from KC.
It was an odour but not exactly a stench, neither was it pleasant enough to be called a scent. It was like what you’d expect a hygienic logger or Logan the Wolverine to smell like after a day of hard work. A man smell with a wild undertone.
She took a deeper whiff of it and found the smell… suggestively interesting.
“Smell something funky?” KC asked sniffing his armpits. Apparently, he couldn’t smell anything strange.
“I don’t know. I guess time will tell.” Kiera answered and took their mugs into the kitchen.
Over the next few days, KC’s scent became apparent enough for even him to notice and no amount of cologne or deodorant could hide it. Taking a shower only made it go away for the first few minutes after leaving the bathroom.
Kiera didn’t mind the smell maybe because she’d gotten used to it, but KC felt he smelled freaky. Like a caveman or what Tarzan must smell like. And when Kiera joked, “Me Kiera, You stinky.” He didn’t find it funny.
As time passed, his scent became subtly stronger and started grabbing attention in an unexpected way. Ladies got turned around every time KC walked by. The ladies affected by KC’s scent never had a look of disgust on their face. In fact, many of them looked allured.
But the attention made KC self-conscious and he soon mostly avoided going out unless he really had to, which was easy since he worked from home.
But eventually, he had no choice but to start going out more frequently as he was always hungry.
“Dude, this hormone thing is punishing you.” Kiera sympathized as she watched him wolf down a fourth burger. That was two burgers above his customary limit and it looked like he might reach for a fifth.
Normally in the KC Kiera household, groceries once bought lasted a week. But now, grocery shopping had to be done every couple of days, and it was mostly meat because that’s all KC seemed to ever want. KC’s new hankering for meat was of Viking proportions.
At first, Kiera sympathized with her boyfriend’s incurable condition and raging appetite. She did the shopping without questions, but after a couple of weeks, she was done.
“You might be hungry but you aren’t crippled. If you’ve eaten all the food in the fridge before next grocery shopping, you know where the store is.” Kiera said laying down the new law.
And it was not just KC’s appetite for food that had increased. His appetite for sex was… Kiera didn’t have an adjective for it so she instead labelled his condition as OCF – Obsessive Compulsive Fucking.
It had all been fun at first but it was beginning to wear her down. And worst was the whipped puppy look KC gave her whenever her exasperation was clear on her face. Kiera nonetheless put on a brave face and stood by her man. In her heart and mind, they were together for better for worse, especially now that her sister was around.
KC had once unapologetically declared to Kiera that her sister Katia was way hotter than her but in the same sentence he’d also referred to Katia as a lady suffering from a super strain of slutitis. Kiera hadn’t been offended by his words because she was a realist who knew for a fact both statements were accurate without a doubt.
But such facts were insignificant at the moment because the following day was the fifth anniversary of Kiera and KC’s first date.
Being a special occasion, if KC wanted to eat a horse, Kiera would be damned if she wasn’t going to make sure he got all the horses he could manage. Fortunately, he didn’t want a horse. But he did want red meat. Lots and lots of red meat. Kiera wasn’t surprised and they had an agreement – She’d get him his red meat and he’d get her a huge chocolate ice cream cake.
They agreed they’d both fulfil their parts of the bargain and deliver what was promised before their romantic dinner the following tonight. It was just unfortunate that Katia would unashamedly be joining them. What especially sucked about Katia’s presence was the way she’d been obviously hovering around KC like a housefly over a wound.
So far, KC had been polite and managed to avoid Katia and the boobs she seemed really eager to rub against him at every given opportunity. But he was growing less tolerant of her flirting, especially the way she kept “accidentally” brushing against his crotch.
Kiera pushed these thoughts away and focused on her shopping which just got complicated because the store was inexplicably out of beef. After explaining her quandary to the friendly elderly storekeeper, he was kind enough to direct her to the beef warehouse which wasn’t too far off.
“Ask for Muriel,” he said. “Tell him Baba Ijebu sent you and that he better give you something prime and juicy.”
At the warehouse, which was actually a huge slaughterhouse, she met a Muriel - a mountain of a man. On hearing she was from Baba Ijebu, Muriel grinned showing glaringly white teeth that sharply contrasted against his dark skin. Without further ado, he hacked into a freshly killed cow as he asked, “You saying you wanting how many kilo?” His voice was surprisingly soft voice for such a big man.
“Five kilos is good sir.” Kiera meekly answered eyeing all the blood.
“Five?” Muriel confirmed and continued hacking into the cow corpse till he came out with a huge chunk. “I no get scale around here, but as person who has been cutting meat for twenty years, I get confidence say this be five kilos I am putting in your hand. Yes, five kilos.”
More like eight kilos, Kiera thought as she gasped at the weight of the meat. Before she can say anything, Muriel takes the meat from her hands and places a rag in its place so she can wipe off the blood. While she does that, he places the dripping meat in a plastic bag.
Kiera isn’t satisfied with the cleanliness of her hands but since she can’t sight a faucet where she can do a proper wash, she digs into her purse for money to pay Muriel.
When Muriel sees the banknotes being held out to him, he chuckled, “No thank you. Baba Ijebu sent you, he will pay me. And it’s just five kilos of meat so don’t worry. Bye-bye fine girl.”
Soon as Kiera got back home, she realised just how tired she was from her meat hunting adventure, but there was no time for rest. She still had to get to her job at the art gallery. Sighing, she plopped the still dripping meat in a tray and tossed it in the fridge before taking a shower to wash off the abattoir smell. Not long after, she was out of the apartment again.
Later that night, she suddenly woke from her sleep with a start as she remembered she hadn’t washed the meat. It’s not right to let meat soak in its own blood as it would ruin the flavour. That’d be bad especially considering the meat was for a special occasion.
Grudgingly, she rolled out of bed and put on her slippers. It was then she noticed KC wasn’t in bed with her. She checked the bathroom but he was not there either. Coming down the stairs heading for the kitchen, she noticed a glow in the dark.
The light was coming from the open fridge door and KC was standing in front of it. His presence in front of the fridge was in itself not unusual. It was something else entirely that suddenly made Kiera turn as stealthy as a mouse.
What made her instinctively choose to remain unheard and unseen in this scenario was how KC was hunched over with his head almost in the fridge with a forceful erection standing before him. She could smell him all the way from where she was. There was now a subtle change in his scent which was saturating the whole kitchen like liberally used perfume.
The scent was now more primal and inexplicably seductive. Kiera felt her secret valley begin to flood and her breathing deepen. KC still stood unmoving, and in the glow of the fridge, it looked like he’d grown hair all over him and not just on his chest and back. But it was probably the shadows from the fridge’s little light that was creating this impression. He was taking deliberate steady deep breathes from the open fridge, savouring something in it.
Kiera was still quite sore from the pounding he’d given her before bed and didn’t feel up to the task of receiving his midnight wood. Unseen and unheard, she snuck back into bed and decided she’d figure out how to salvage the meat in the morning.
It’s their 5th year anniversary tonight. Meat is sizzling in the oven and KC is really antsy.
“Is it ready yet?” He asked for the umpteenth time.
“Just so you know, having to repeat myself is starting to piss myself. So for the last time, NO.” was Kiera’s impatient response.
“But shut it. If you can’t help yourself, go keep Katia company. Or, have a drink, take a stroll, live a little.”
Sulking but obviously restless, KC planted himself in the seat beside Katia at the kitchen nook. He reached for the wine bottle but placed it back down. It was nearly empty anyway as Katia had done considerable damage to its content.
He reached for the cake and cut a slice but placed it in front of himself uneaten.
“Calm down bud, you’re acting like you’re on PSP.” Katia smiled at him a little drunkenly. “I’m not sure if you’ve noticed but you’ve changed.” She whispered making sure no one but her intended prey could hear. “There’s just something about you now that’s super fuckable.”
KC looked at her long and hard but instead of seeing her as he always has, he smelled her like he never has and her smell was delicious. The scent from beneath her skin was tempting him in all kinds of ways as all kinds of weird ideas began zipping through his mind.
She touched his arm and he flinched as a thrill briskly ran through him making him salivate. This is weird, he thought incoherently as he felt himself growling in his chest and heard a crack in his neck. There was a sudden snap in his lower jaw.
He jumped off his seat beside Katia and rushed back to the oven.
Seeing him return, Kiera sighed in exasperation, “It’s not ready yet. Go masturbate or set fire to a building or shave your back, just go away. I promise when it’s done I’ll dump the whole thing in your lap.”
KC ignored her as he stalked the kitchen which smelled deliciously like roast beef and potatoes. He ignored that aroma as well and made a beeline for the fridge. He threw open the door and took a deep whiff, breathing in the aroma of the fridge which he found more appealing than that of the kitchen. He stuck his head deeper into the fridge to avoid the tainted air of cooking meat in the kitchen mingling with that of the fridge.
Kiera watched him do the same weird breathing thing she’d spied him doing the night before. But now, she found it entirely gross considering the tray she’d kept the raw meat in was still in there with some leftover cuts. Most of the blood was still in the tray and it was right under KC’s nose. In disgust she slammed the fridge shut and her boyfriend of five years snarled at her.
It was more of a growl than a snarl since his lips didn’t pull back from his teeth. His eyes glowered at her like evil lanterns.
Nervously and unconsciously, she stepped back from him clutching her hands between her breasts. Calmly, he turned from her and reopened the fridge. A second later, he re-emerged with two beers and handed her one.
“Dinner ready yet? Smells like it’s burning.” He said with his gruff voice.
For the first time, she found the voice intimidating rather than sexy and yes, dinner was burning. But it was okay, his eyes weren’t glowing anymore. Or maybe it was a trick of the light Kiera thought as she opened the oven with mitts on.
The rest of dinner was uneventful and unromantic. Their worst anniversary yet.
Katia had more fun than everyone else, after all, she was well into her second bottle.
Dishes are in the sink, girlfriend and boyfriend are in bed, and it sounds like Katia is still up watching TV. But there were just too many disturbing thoughts running through Kiera’s mind for her to actually fall asleep.
She was nervous and wired, and she kept expecting KC to touch her. To make love to her. But he was oblivious to her. His back was to her and she could smell him. The intensity of his scent wasn’t an issue, but the effect it was having on her was definitely a problem. He was like a walking pheromone dispenser. Her thighs were practically swimming against one another and each inhale she took was only making it worse. But as much as her body yearned for his, she sure has hell didn’t want him to touch her.
First thing tomorrow, she was going to take him back to the doctor she decided. Maybe they’d taken his strange developments too lightly. Maybe it was a tumour pushing on some dormant gland in his body, maybe even in his brain triggering all kinds of other weird shit. She couldn’t stand the thought of anything being irreparably wrong with KC. She loved him far too much, more than she loved her own sister. The idea of them not being together, no matter the reason, was something she found difficult to wrap her head around. A thought that was far more frightful than death.
But he’d scared her tonight.
She was sure he would never hurt her. So why was she so nervous lying next to him? To the extent she was afraid to close her eyes, or that he might roll over and look at her with a weird glowing gaze, or even touch her.
But sleep being the ever unpredictable and indomitable bastard it was finally took her without her consent.
She woke up with a start.
The bedside clock indicated it was 1:09am. And the other half of the bed declared her boyfriend was missing. That was a relief, but now she was worried about something else.
She checked the bathroom, he wasn’t there. The bedroom windows were still locked from inside so not that either. Under the bed? He was not there.
She could still hear the TV on downstairs, maybe he’d joined Katia.
Kiera didn’t understand the instinct that insisted she be quiet but she obeyed it and opened the bedroom door as quietly as she could before heading down the stairs with the stealth of a snake.
From the same hiding place as the night before on the stairwell, Kiera could see Katia’s hair flying wildly, spilling with sweat as her breathe rushed uncontrollably in sync with the scattered look in her eyes as KC rammed himself almost maniacally into her from behind while she was bent over the sofa.
His smell was so strong, choking the room, stifling it.
Kiera wasn’t upset by the porno of betrayal playing out before her. Instead, she was curious to know, to see how it would end. She’d never seen KC like this before - so wild and primitive like. He’d never made love to her like what she was watching him do now. But who was she kidding? This wasn’t lovemaking. This was brutal hardcore ravishing. And yet, she was a little jealous that he’d never let loose this beast on her, even though a part of her knew that if he did, she probably couldn't handle the unrelenting hammering from his now way more than average cock.
She watched, she listened, she smelled, and she anticipated with bated breath for something. She didn’t know what, but she knew it was coming.
And then it did.
KC’s body might have been moving like a well-oiled piston but his face was studiously lost in thought as if trying to figure out what exactly he was doing. His eyes contemplated the flushed and quivering mound of flesh beneath him with little interest. He ran a finger through the sweat streaming down the back beneath him and put the finger to his lips. He sucked on the dripping finger and a little light came on in his eyes as if he’d had an insight.
His body never stopped moving as his sweat slicked groin continued to thrust and relentlessly invade Katia who at this point was nothing more than a whimpering and panting series of orgasms. With that same studious look on his face, KC carefully reached down and raked a corner of Katia’s back with a fingernail. It drew blood but Katia in her crazed sexual frenzy felt none of it as red welled out of the scratch. Gently, KC used his pinkie to wipe the blood then put the bloodstained pinkie in his mouth.
Kiera shuddered. Not from revulsion but from – she didn’t know what, as KC’s face suddenly focused as if he’d found The Answer - the Fountain of Ecstasy.
Without hesitation, he raised his right hand. But it was no longer a hand. Hands don’t have razor claws at their tips. He raised his right claw and repeatedly ripped into Katia’s exposed back, digging through the skin and muscle of the ecstatic woman beneath him.
Katia felt the awful pain all at once as her blood splattered around her, but before she could scream, a hairy paw grabbed her mouth and its claws sunk in slashing her tongue. Katia wept as she choked on a mouthful of her own blood.
She forgot about screaming and tried crawling away but the thing that was KC used its claws to dig deep into the soft flesh beneath her armpits. The violent rip revealed the white gleam of Katia’s ribs before dragging her back to its still pounding groin.
Finally, it could feel itself climaxing, same moment it felt what used to be KC’s jaw explode outwards and fangs shoot out of his mouth. As its hot seed spurted into the mutilated bleeding female beneath, it dug its claws into her scalp and pulled her head upwards to dig its virgin fangs into her exposed throat. KC, the creature, experienced a double ecstasy as the pleasure of the taste of fresh blood and its ejaculation simultaneously washed over it.
With each rip its jaws made, tearing flesh from bone, a new portion of the living room was coated with a fresh paint of steaming red. Even the TV wasn’t spared.
Kiera had seen enough. Silently, she rose from her hiding place and returned to the bedroom with the same stealth she had left it. But she didn’t shut the door behind her.
She could hear her sister gurgling in her final throes of death as what was supposed to be her boyfriend of five years snarled and whined and chewed and panted.
Delicately pulling off her scant sleeping clothes. Kiera undressed and prepared herself.
Naked, she stood in the light of the full moon cutting in through the bedroom’s window blinds. Admiring her supple body, she did a little twirl to the music of tearing flesh and splattering gore coming from downstairs. Her body might not have been as full as that of her sister’s and probably would never be, but it was definitely firmer and better maintained.
Reaching in between her thighs, she slid a finger through the moistness there and marked the doorpost of the bedroom with her scented juice before slipping into bed.
Laying on the duvet, she waited for her mate to come to her.

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