Show me the station
현실은 종착역
이상은 간이역
역장도 없고
사람도 없고
낭만만 있는 스테이션
스테이지에 올라
조명을 받지
시선을 받지
너의 관심을 받지
그러면 난 종착역
현실은 종착역
이상은 간이역
현실을 스테이지에 올려
낭만을 스테이지에 올려
쇼 미더 스테이션!
Translation by Papago
Reality is the final destination.
Ideal station
There's no place for stationmasters.
No man.
A romantic station
On stage
It's illuminated.
I take my eyes off it.
I'm getting your attention.
Then I'm going to end up at the end.
Reality is the final destination.
Ideal station
Put the reality on stage.
On stage
Show Me Station!
Translation by Google
Reality is end station
There is no force field.
There is no man.
A romantic station
Get on stage
I do not get the lights.
I do not get eyes.
I'm not interested in you.
Reality is end station
Put reality on stage
Put romance on stage
Showtime Station!