Bringing #showerthoughts to Steemit.

in showerthoughts •  8 years ago 

Steemit shower thoughts - think about it!

  • If redditing is the verb for surfing Reddit, is steemiting the verb for surfing Steemit?
  • Would I be wrong if I said Steemit runs on BlogChain?
  • Steemit should consider changing reputation to esteem.
  • I wonder how many people actually learned and tried out the makeup from the Steemit makeup tutorial.
  • Steemit should consider changing the HOT category to the STEAM category.
  • "Ned's caught" sounds the same as Ned Scott. Just saying.
  • A Filter Complement feature which when applied, would show all the posts except for the ones under the applied filter, would be really handy at times.

All of the above showerthoughts are specific to steemit, and are thus original. I would love to see more shower-thought posts on Steemit. While you're at it, you could mention the ones you liked from this post or perhaps comment below with your own shower-thoughts.
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Sharing some of my favorites:

If money doesn’t grow on trees.. why do banks have branches?

If a cow identifies as a plant, would a vegetarian eat it?

The criminal justice system ruins people’s lives over drugs in order to show them that drugs will ruin their lives.

People who say they “believe” in science are missing the whole point of science

Windows’ “checking a solution to the problem” feature when a program crashes has never found the solution to the problem.

When Kanye retires, he should release “Kanye’s Greatest Hits”, an album containing every song he’s ever released on it

I know how my voice sounds to others. But nobody knows how my voice sounds to me.

People with tattoos used to make me scared, now they make me coffee…

Nice ones! Saw some of that on Reddit recently. You should make a post with some good ones and promote the tag.

If money doesn’t grow on trees.. why do banks have branches?

Reminded me of this:

Money doesn't grow on trees. So what? Fruits do, and they aren't free.

I saw your comments on this topic earlier today and am glad you did this one LOL, honestly. RS and UV for ya. I was happy when I saw your name and this topic come up in the feed haha!!! #Truth

Hey @barrydutton!
Thanks a lot for RS and UV :)
Hahaha, I made the post right after those comments :D