Siacoin vs Dropbox is it a Viable solution?

in sia •  7 years ago 

I've been really digging into cryptos lately trying to find a solution to the youtube mess which is what brought me here. Steem obviously has a bright future but let's not stop at just replacing youtube. Since we clearly can't trust these big tech companies why rely on them to store our personal data in their cloud?

Siacoin offers private data storage. The data is encrypted by the miners and anyone with some extra hard drive space can lease it out if they're willing to purchase some sia coin for collateral to ensure they will keep their storage available for at least 12 weeks.

I recently put up 1TB on my dedicated server to try it out and maybe make a coin or two. I can't say the experience was "easy." I don't know when or if Sia will ever be integrated into operating systems to look like just another folder. In the mean time I'll continue to explore more crypto technologies because it's interesting and fun.

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Since the beginning of the year 2014 I'm thinking that decentralized cloud storage should be a big use case of cryptocurrencies. It's nice to see how everything is happening more or less as I expected.... I didn't see Steem coming though...

I really like all the possibilities. Decentralized everything would be great.