November 2020's stellar significance

in sidereal-astrology •  4 years ago  (edited)

"The weekly horoscope for November 9th, 2020," as reported November 8, 2020, by sidereal astrologist Athen Chimenti of Mastering Zodiac, "has a new moon at the end of the week, Mars going direct, and Jupiter conjunct Pluto. This is an important week astrologically. We are completing the previous lunar cycle and gearing up for a new one over the weekend. Mars goes direct suggesting shifts to our awareness regarding what we want on the deepest levels. And Jupiter over Pluto expands the deeper side of life to help us make empowering changes."

November 10 - Mercury hits the heights
TAU rising: cultivation self-reliance and enjoyment of values through working with natural world.
North Node (learning healthy character development; growth) TAU (see rising) in matters related to self awareness and asserting will into the world (1st house).
Ic/astrological DNA by expressing self through creativity, playfulness, and sharing who one is with others (LEO) in matters related to rational mind and communicating with and learning from others (3rd house).
Moon (receiving inner awareness; physiological receptivity) by expressing self through creativity, playfulness, and sharing who one is with others (LEO) in matters related to feelings and caring for and nurturing others (4th house).
Venus (connecting to who and what we value; material and interpersonal enjoyment) AND Mercury (synergizing and assimilating; interactive learning) by developing skills and abilities through improving self, environment, and helping others improve) VIR in matters related to self-expression, passion, and creativity (5th house).
Sun (emitting outer awareness; vital life-force energy) by keeping balance and mutuality through conscientious action in relationships (LIB) in matters related to improvement of self, crafts, environment, or helping others improve (6th house).
South Node retrograde (letting go of unhealthy default patterns; loss) OPH in 7th house
Jupiter (envisioning what's possible; expansive worldview), Pluto (eliminating deep emotional attachments; transformation), and Saturn (structuring our life; patient hard work and responsibility) by SAG in 8th houseMc/Public Reputation CAP 9th houseNeptune retrograde (releasing the unknown; unconditional acceptance in life) AQU 10th houseChiron retrograde (healing wounds; redemption and rejuvenation) PSC 10th houseMars retrograde (pursuing self-preservation; self-determined action) PSC 11th houseUranus retrograde (liberating from stasis; revolutionary change) ARI 11th and 12th houses cusp

November 12-13 - Venus and the moon come together
VIR rising/As
Venus (1st house) and Moon (12th house) VIR
Mercury VIR 1st house
Sun LIB 2nd house
South Node OPH 3rd house
Ic, Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn SAG 4th house
Neptune retrograde AQU 6th house
Chiron retrograde, Mars retrograde PSC 6th house
Uranus retrograde ARI 7th house
North Node retrograde TAU 9th house
Mc GEM 10th house

November 19 - Saturn, Jupiter, and the moon are dancing
GEM rising/AsIc VIR 3rd house
Venus, Mercury VIR 4th house
Sun LIB 5th house
South Node OPH 5th house
Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn SAG, AND Moon CAP 7th house
Neptune retrograde AQU 8th house
Chiron retrograde, Mc, Mars PSC 9th house
Uranus retrograde ARI 10th house
North Node retrograde TAU 11th and 12th houses cusp

November 25 - The moon & Mars get together once more
VIR rising/As
Venus VIR 1st house
Mercury LIB, Sun SCO in 2nd house
South Node OPH in 3rd house
Ic, Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn SAG 4th house
Neptune retrograde AQU, and Chiron retrograde Moon PSC 6th house
Mars PSC 7th house
Uranus retrograde ARI 7th house
North Node retrograde TAU 9th house
Mc GEM 10th house

November 30 - A minor lunar eclipse arrives
LEO rising/As
Venus VIR, Mercury, Ic 3rd house, and Sun LIB 3rd and 4th house cusp
South Node OPH 4th house
Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn SAG 5th house
Moon, Neptune retrograde AQU 7th house
Chiron retrograde and Mars PSC 8th house
Uranus retrograde ARI, Mc TAU in 9th house
North Node retrograde TAU 10th house

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