What are the signs of maturity in a man?
As little boys develop into young men, they will show signs of physical and emotional maturity. Physical signs of maturity are completely up to nature, but signs of emotional maturity can be more difficult to recognize. Watch for signs of maturity before awarding your son with more privileges and responsibilities such as keys to the car, later curfews or getting a job.
He has physical maturity
Some males can show signs of maturing physically as early as early as 9 years old, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. This is when their testes, penis and scrotum grow. The genitals typically reach full adult size when a young man reaches his late teens. The voice deepens when the penis begins growing. Hair, such as pubic, chest and facial, often begin growing when a boy is 12 years old. Nocturnal emissions -- also referred to as wet dreams -- start between the ages of 13 and 17.
He has patience and values
Emotional changes are also a sign of maturity. A sign of maturity is making a long-term commitment and sticking to it, according to Tim Elmore, the founder and president of Growing Leaders. Young men who delay gratification show that they are sticking to their beliefs and doing what is right rather than doing what's convenient. As young men mature, they will question old values and develop values of their own. Respect for other people and developing an unselfish attitude are also signs that a young man is maturing emotionally.
He can control anger
When confronted with a negative circumstance, a mature young man controls his anger rather than acting out with harsh actions or words. A sign of maturity is practicing healthy methods to control anger, such as walking away, meditation or taking deep breaths. If a problem needs to be resolved, a young man needs to identify the real source of anger. When emotions are under control, a mature young man can address the issue in a calm and collected manner.
He accepts Compliments and Criticism
As young men age, they will develop their own sense of identity and independence. They will test new ideas and form a unique identity. A sign of maturity is not reacting strongly to compliments or criticism. Compliments are accepted with gratitude, but a mature young man will not let the praise get to his head. When criticism is received, a young man showing signs of maturity will not get bitter but instead take the criticism in stride.
He’s Decisive
Have you met guys who just can’t seem to make a decision? They waffle, they stress, they can’t seem to make up their minds. The emotionally mature guy has no problems making decisions about life, relationships and commitments without wavering or stressing out. He’s clear about wanting to be with you and he’s clear about what he wants with a woman and in a relationship. He doesn’t go “hot and cold.”
He Takes Responsibility
If you hear a man complaining about things in his life, blaming others and generally experiencing a lack of control, he’s not just unlucky, he’s lacking maturity. The mature man is nobody’s victim. He takes responsibility for his actions. You’ll rarely see him whine, and he doesn’t blame others when things go wrong. Instead he’s in service to making things right.
He Has a Higher Purpose
You know those guys who are absolutely passionate about their work or their cause? This is a sign that they’re more emotionally mature than the guys whose lives revolve solely around themselves. The mature man has a purpose in life greater than himself. If you see that a man is committed to a larger purpose, it’s a safe bet that he’s done “the work.”
He Has Close Relationships
The best true signal of how a man will handle his relationship with you is how he relates to others he’s closest to. Look at his relationships. What are his friendships like? Sure he has “buddies,” but does he have intimate friendships? The mature man is comfortable being truly close and open with others in his life.
He’s Capable of Expressing Himself
A mature man doesn’t just stuff his feelings down inside. He doesn’t always come right out and say it, but he can explain his feelings, his choices, and his likes and dislikes. If he can’t express what he’s thinking, or gets frustrated, irritated, or mad at you for wanting to communicate and share feelings, then you’re dealing with an emotionally immature man.
The mature man can express what’s going on in his heart and mind without outbursts or withdrawal. If you seem to attract emotionally immature guys, pay attention to the signs of a mature man so you can avoid repeating the pattern.
When you get involved with an immature guy, and try to deal with and make things work with him, your life will get messy and you’ll start acting immature as well. Immaturity is contagious. If you pay attention, you will quickly and easily begin to see the signs of emotional maturity (and also the LACK of those signs) so you can make the best possible choice for yourself.
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I'm going to state my opinion from a romantic point of view since this is what I assume the question is in regards to. Maturity isn't defined by age, but it can come with age for some men. The way a man treats a woman can tell a lot about his maturity level. Usually, mature men know how to treat a lady and how to make a woman feel comfortable. They were either taught this in their upbringing or learned from experience.
Signs of Maturity in Men:
He isn't afraid to show his feelings for his girl in public. He’s confident enough to just be himself and not care what others think.
He understands that women are a crazy emotional mess sometimes and allows her to just vent. He knows that listening to her is enough to make her feel better. Ha…
He doesn't walk away the first time they hit a speed bump in the relationship, rather he stays, listens, and figures out a way to resolve the issue. Even if the conversation is uncomfortable he will stay and talk it out because he cares enough to work it out. He's man enough to express his needs and be open to a compromise.
Mature men invest time and effort into the woman they love and respect.
They always reassure their girl of how beautiful she is because they know as women we need to hear this. Women feel good when complimented by their man even if they've been together for years.
When they make future plans they include their girl in them. A mature man will focus on what will be a good experience for both, not just focus on his own happiness.
Mature men will be straightforward with their intentions on whether they are just looking for something casual or want something serious.
Mature men are more realistic. They know women aren't perfect and they accept it. We have periods. We have days when we are sick and don't look perfect. They love us on our best days and our worst days.
Men are wonderful! <3
Thanks for the A2A!
When a guy sticks to his values and convictions and does not compromise on them just to fit in, he is mature.
When he believes in taking the right action even though it might not be popular, he is mature.
When he respects the opinions of others even if they are different from his thought process, he is mature.
When he acts rather than reacts, he is mature.
When he is able to control his anger and embrace his rational side, he is mature.
When every praise makes him more humble than arrogant, he is mature.
When every criticism makes him introspect, he is mature.
When he knows what to imbibe and what to ignore, he is mature.
When he realises that looks are transient, he is mature.
When he stops running after people and instead, nurtures relationships, he is mature.
When he can get over people and move on, he is mature.
When his past experiences don't cast a shadow on his future and become a guiding light instead, he is mature.
When he refuses to allow people to rough shod over him in the name of relationships, he is mature.
When he realises that people's opinions of him are just opinions and not a reflection of his character, he is mature.
When he refuses to allow people to mould him according to their needs, he is mature.
When he realises that money is needed for living but is not the basis for happiness, he is mature.
When he knows that he is a sum total of his core values, demeanour, confidence, beliefs and not the sum total of his pay package, he is mature.
When he has absolute confidence on his own self, he is mature :)
Following are some of the biggest signs of maturity:
I) One starts talking less, eating less, and sleeping less. ALL THE EMOTIONAL YOUNG PEOPLE DO THE OPPOSITE.
Because talking less makes you wise, eating less makes you healthy, and sleeping less makes you active.
II) Words like “SORRY”, “PLEASE”. and “THANKS” are used more frequently.
III) Does not react instinctively.
IV) Never shows off.
V) Always willing to help.
VI) Respects for ladies and kindness for children.
VII) Broad mindedness and humility/modesty
VIII) Never seekes praise.
IX) Does not criticize much.
X) Not offended or provoked easily.
XI) Always acknowledges his shortcomings.
XII) Soft spoken.
And the most important of all is that ONE NEVER BRAGS.
XIII) Forgiving and compassionate.
XIII) Always willing to share one’e fortunes with others.
XIV) Flexibility in views.
XV) Believes in fairness and justice.
XVI) Willing to make sacrifices for others and not self centered or claims to be so called self- Made.
XVII) Never plays blame game. Never criticizes the faith of others nor does wear his own faith on his sleeves.
XVIII) Never bullies or derides others.
XIV) Believes in honesty and integrity.
And last, but not the least, is that one has patience, self awareness and resilience. And one also knows when it is time to speak and when it is time to remain silent. An additional GEM would be “ a refined sense of humor” that will make him a super star without even playing hero in a Bollywood or a Hollywood movie.
You look deep into yourself, and you decide for yourself what is and isn’t important to you.
“When you’re a boy, you are very impressionable. You do what your mom says. You want your dad to be proud of you. You dress how the rock stars and rappers dress on TV, even though they’re really just paid to promote those clothes. You care about how your peers look at you.
But when you ‘become a man,’ I think you stop caring about that stuff. You look deep into yourself, and you decide for yourself what is and isn’t important to you. If you want to have kids and raise a family, then do that. If you want to go to strip clubs every night and smoke weed err day, go for it. But you be honest with yourself, accept the consequences, and do your thing without shame.
If you blindly do what others want you to do, you’re not an adult, you’re just a tool.”
Knowing how to be happy without relying on other people.
“Knowing how to be happy without relying on other people. Knowing how and when to stick up for yourself without being overly cocky. Having conviction in your beliefs but willing to be corrected when you’re wrong.
Basically, just being able to rise above all the bullshit surrounding you, being independent and able to focus on your own goals and projects, being toughened by the hard lessons in life, while allowing all of it to humble you instead of drag you down.”
Being calm in a bad situation.
“Being calm in a bad situation.
I’m a guy and I don’t consider a man because he’s jacked or some shit. I’ve seen jacked guys who hit the gym be the biggest pussies I’ve ever seen.
The guy who is able to remain calm and try to figure out a solution to a bad situation is the guy everyone ends up looking up to. The guy who’s like this in my group of friends is Dan. Not the loudest, not the best looking and not the most fit. But holy shit when things get crazy or we are in some bad situation we all turn to him.
Just being in his presence makes me calm.”
Meenakshi Sundaram
Introvert since birth
28w ago
Some signs of a matured male.
When he saves his hard earned money before spending it.
When he responds to situations and people, instead of reacting to them.
When he takes responsibilities of family.
When he listens with an intent to understand, and not to speak.
When he prioritizes his family, over his friends.
When he is calm, composed and controls his emotions well.
When he is able to accept criticism and feedback from others positively.
When he says "We" "Us" and "our self" over "I", "me" and myself".
When he is able to maintain work life balance.
When he stops blaming others and start taking ownership for his actions.
Thank You.
Do you think there is a certain age at which maturity sets in? Could it be 20? 40? 70? In my personal experiences, I’ve observed that age has little or nothing to do with it. I have met young people who are mature well beyond their years, and I’ve known older folks who act childish, only thinking about themselves. So the question is: What are the character traits that show maturity? And do “mature” people exhibit them 100% of the time?
Well, I’m not sure that we can be mature in every situation that presents itself to us because we are always growing and learning as human beings, and I’m pretty sure that all of us have been guilty of at least some of these negative behaviors at least once in our lives. That being said, by considering these 25 tell-tale signs, perhaps we can be more aware of the interludes in which our whiny, adolescent self rears its immature head...
Realizing how much you don’t know.
Listening more and talking less.
Being aware and considerate of others as opposed to being self-absorbed, self-centered, and inconsiderate.
Not taking everything personally, getting easily offended, or feeling the need to defend, prove, or make excuses for yourself.
Being grateful and gracious, not complaining.
Taking responsibility for your own health and happiness, not relying on others to “fix” you or placing blame for your circumstances.
Having forgiveness and compassion for yourself and others.
Being calm and peaceful, not desperate, frantic, or irrational.
Showing flexibility and openness as opposed to resisting, controlling, or being unreasonable.
Helping yourself, not just expecting others to do it for you out of a sense of entitlement.
Doing good deeds even when there is nothing in it for you other than knowing you helped, being selfless.
Respecting another’s point of view, beliefs, and way of life without judgment, not insisting you are right, belittling another, or using profanity or violence to get your point across.
Sharing your good fortune with others.
Being able to turn the other cheek without wishing harm on another.
Thinking before acting and having good manners, not going off half-cocked, lashing out, or being rude.
Encouraging and being supportive of others.
Finding joy in the success of someone else, not envy or criticism.
Knowing there is always room to grow and improve and reaching out for help.
Having humility and laughing at yourself.
Recognizing that which does not work in your life and making an effort to do something different.
Passing up instant gratification in favor of long term benefits.
Accepting, liking, and loving yourself, not needing someone else to “complete” you.
Standing up for fairness and justice for yourself and others and choosing to do the right thing.
Making sacrifices for the good of others without resentment.
Not clinging to materialistic items or bragging.
I’m sure there are probably other signs, but this list covers at least the majority of them. I know we can always do a better job displaying our mature sides. I also know that, by doing so, we lift each other up through our example. What’s most important, however, is seeing the negative side of our behavior and knowing we must do something positive to change it...And that, my friends, is WISDOM.
source: huffpost
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Mature, sounds something great, big gigantic word. And it is for a human being.
But according to me, mature doesn't mean, growing up moustaches or having beards, there are signs of a man's evolution.
It doesnt prove that a man is mature or he has turn an adult.
When a guy cares more for his near and dear ones, he is a matured one
When a guy, respects everyone he is surely a matured one.
When a boy, turns into an adult recognising his duties and rights he is a mature.
He does his stuff by his own without the need of any, he is surely a mature one.
When his adrenaline excells his passion he is an adult.
Not just the sex or the attractions but his dreams, goals either short term or long, passion are accomplished it is called a real man.
When his desires are fullfilled by his own, he is a mature.
These points wont get to an end. They are endless.
Only the sign to identify that a man is a matured or not is, by recognising him and his abilities. And where is he using them. Either in right way ya in wrong way.
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