Today trade signals on (Binance) with Targets

in signals •  6 years ago  (edited)

i will share a trading signals to help to make good decision on trading

our today signal is about FUEL 

BUY #FUEL around 550 

Target  - 600-800-1000

BUY #YOYO UNDER 1130-1160 

SELL TARGET 1270-1350-1400

BUY #EVX UNDER 11800-12060 

SELL TARGET 13200➖13800➖14400

hope to enjoy this signals

please use this signals at your own decision and make your analysis trading crypto included high risk

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قم بدعمي وسوف ادعمك صوت لي واصوت لك

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

اهلا بك اخي ادعمك دون شك وان كان بلا مقابل فهذا واجب الاخوه