Signs That You Are Irrational and Behaviorally Blind To Women

in signs •  3 years ago 

You have probably heard the saying, "Rationality is the cornerstone of success," and how this relates to being rational in regards to dating and women. If you truly want to be successful in the game of love, you need to learn how to keep your head "out-of-the-sand" so to speak. This does not mean being obsessed with women, it just means that you need to be rational in regards to how you view them and what they want in a relationship. There are certain things that happen in relationships that are irrational. Here are the five major irrational thinking towards women, you must stop doing to make yourself more attractive to women:

Giving into your emotions. It is extremely difficult to be a good listener to women because most women want to hear things from a man that is just coming out of his mouth. It's just natural for women to want a guy who can listen to them and talk to them in an intelligent and deep way. However, women get very frustrated when men don't do these things for them and instead try to sound like robots. Therefore, instead of listening to women, you should really try to listen to what they are really saying to you.

Acting as if they are not interested in them. When you are trying to impress a woman and you are not able to create the perfect situation for her, just don't do that. Instead, act like you are interested in what she has to say but you are not in love with her yet. Women don't fall in love instantly, and neither will you get her to love you without getting her to like you first. Just don't go there and expect that you can act like a jerk around her and she will like you without her having any emotions.

Flirting with women you barely know. You may think that you are being funny or intriguing when you are flirting with different women. However, women don't see it this way at all. They are actually looking for a person who is a good listener and can make them feel comfortable and at ease. If you are doing that, then they know that you can be a reliable person to hang out with and talk to. Even though you may not have a lot of friends, women definitely still want to make sure that there are some great people that they can be friends with, especially if they are dating someone.


Acting like your life depends on women. This is another mistake that many men do often, and women end up really enjoying it too. This is another reason why women want to date only men who are good in dealing with situations such as this. They don't want to date a guy who has his life depending on women. They always want to date men who can bring fun and excitement into their lives.

These are just a few tips on how to deal with irrational thinking. It doesn't matter whether you are dating a man or not. You just need to understand the basics when it comes to women and dating. Otherwise, you might just screw up the rest of your life.

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