Flashback Memories - Silent Hill (Playstation) (Unedited)

in silent •  7 years ago 

When i hear Konami is releasing a new game called SIlent Hill, I was happy to pick one copy up when it comes.

So I went to the game shop and pick one up, bring it back home and pop it straight into my Playstation. Proceeded to start up the game and sit there for hours.

Was actually going to just play for an hour and quit. But it was interesting enough that i got engaged with the game and kept on playing.

The story has that mystery vibe going on and it gets you to want to know more. 1 turn into 2 and into 3 hours before i even stopped playing.

Game has flaws that's a sure thing and tank controls which I have a love/hate stance on. But I was genuinely creeped out by the game some of the time.

Game has some voice acting, some say that it's not great but I think it's average to above average at most. But it still delivered the proper context so not too bad.

Give this game a try if you haven't already.

Gameshark/Action Replay codes was used.

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Tools used: OBS Studio, Shotcut Video Editor.

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I love just about all the silent hill's. I still play them on occasion.

yeah I do too with my older games, not only silent hill.