To communicate or not to communicate, why nanocomponents don't belong in food supply?

in silica •  6 years ago  (edited)

The video upload "Ack! c-60 related application" on 29 October 2018 was created in response to Tony Pantalleresco sending this link entitled "An Update on Nano-Scale Technologies for RF and Microwave Applications", which was originally published in December 2010 from High Frequency Electronics, a publication copyright © 2010 by Summit Technical Media, LLC. Tony's message: When you can read this, this is reinforcing what I said about the carbon being a super powered transceiver--it is turning them [nanomaterials] into a battery or a kill switch.

Then Tony commented: This is well done--SUPER WELL DONE, validating what Bryan 396 and I have been saying about how any direct hit [frequency] will cause exponential assembly
since it [nanotechnology] is now powered. Any direct hit [frequency] activates this [nanotechnology] using any form of energy, like light or Li-Fi, like sound or sonogentics [sonication process] like ultrasound (sound above normal hearing range). The next video features the various ranges to penetration to various organs. The liver is subject to the most damage. Various devices have been introduced, which do not address nanotechnology. The following devices may be avoided to prevent further damaging effects. Such devices are electronic--it may or may not be known that Rothschilds own the electrical grids globally, include T.E.N.S. device. Contra-indications include avoiding if pacemaker is present because device's electrical current may be interrupted pacemaker from properly functioning. An other contra-indication for using T.E.N.S is epilepsy. Seizures and epilepsy are caused by abnormal electrical activity in brain. Flashing light may also triggers seizure. Zappers applied in manner illustrated in video, may be triggering the meridians in hands, which along with bottom of feet are the end points of the entire meridian system of the body. Rife device appears to trigger anger, which may be a program. When frequencies are focused, irritability may result considering the body's chakras are an effective means to creating disharmony within family units. and and . Initially, I wanted to share information about spooky scalar device. However, I ended up finding "Spooky Physics", which explains how nanomaterials enable superposition, entanglement and teleportation, AND all these aspects are available now. One might be wondering: How is quantum mechanics possible? Well, US military aside, nanomaterials entered the food supply under Food Additives Ammendment of 1958 and EMF is electromagnetic frequencies have a broad range. Extremely low frequencies (ELF) are about penetrating and damaging cellular wall. For instance HAARP which amplifies ELF. High frequencies are about mutating cells. For instance: x-rays, TSA scans, mammograms, etc.

AT THIS POINT (part iii), my PC stopped working and the radiation levels increased beyond my tolerance levels. The following videos would be included in (part iii). Dr. PhD explains briefly explains electrosmog, which is dirty electricty.

Havas' Cell Tower Microwave Radiation Presentation is worth learning from.

The following videos have not been added to the video compilation from Tony's comment. There has been unusual interference to my operating system. This ELF audio file is informative in revealing the early date of the this technology.

Cell phones, iPods, DECT phones, etc, will charge these nanoparticles to assemble. Any direct hit or assault on this nanobiology will cause: First, a morphology or the ability to adapt; second, to form a counter defense, such as that featured in 's product line

; and third, expand via duplication and multiplication for exponential growth. After viewing the video below, sustainability is about maintaining the status quo at the risks of all else. The opposite of sustainability is disruption, which is is about granting access to others. The word 'sustainability' may be viewed as a red flag when viewing marketing materials.

C-60 will augment any of the marketing effects that it manages to promote. It will embed into the brain and allow the assembly of circuitry to multiple at a exponential rate. The form of carbon that the nanobioloy feeds on and utilizes more readily, is not limited to lipids or proteins.

Silicon is made from sand, while there is also silica, which is the synthetic version. Then, there is silicone, which is a polymer and nano-based. Silicone is used in computer chip making because of its ability to transmit data.

Everyone has been nanopoisoned by the food supply since the 1958. Increasing nanosaturation would have been the foundation of the circuitry in the body. The integration embeds in the skeletal and soft tissue, which breaks down in the system making man more susceptible for nano-programming take over with the added glyphosates.

and other endocrine disrupting chemicals are worth comprehending the cause to the general population's health and ability to stay healthy.
The purpose behind the nanosaturation and the huge DNA reprogramming is to stop the immune system from functioning as the system should, and disable the immune system from being able to remove the antagonist. Silica is the culprit and it stops cellular communication. Tony

Update: Mecury fumes coming from mouth, hot skin that's not behind the mirror while extremities are cold. Radiation levels holding constant with damaging effects. Accepting liability offers under full immunity without recourse.

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