SILINI. Blackcurrant propagation. Test Nr1.

in silini •  7 years ago 

As I explained in the previous post - we whant to plant as much berry bushes and apple / pear / cherry trees in our teritory as posible. Everyone in Latvia is upsest with lawn's. Everyone is spending hundreds of euros every year just to keep naturly growing grass at a certain hihght that they think looks astetic. I don't think that's the best way to use your property. I don't whant to spend my money and time cuting grass. I whant to use the space that we have as effectiv as posible. And one species that I whant to see in my garden is BLACKKURRANT. Its super helthy. It has a bunch of vitamin C. And as I have heard and seen it's real easy to grow it.

This is going to be a test. I have zero education in this subject and everything I do is based on other people sharing they'r experience online and my gut feeling.

One of neyghbors has a few blackcurrant bushes so he alowed me to cut some of the twigs. I haw no idea if this is going to work or not. I got 35 twigs that where around 0,8 m long.

My plan was put them in a bucket with peat and soil and put them inside the house. I got some old plastic bucket drilled a bunch of holes on the bottom and sides for watter to run through.

2/3 of the bucket I filled with soil that I could find in the winnter time. 1/3 I filled with peat. And I alsou added a little bit of vermiculite. It should improve root growth.

I sliced blackcurrant twigs in halfs. Now I have 70 potencial blackcurrant plants. It's going to be interesting to see which ones are going to do better [if anything of this will succeed]: the bottom part's or the top part's.

I put in the bucket in the way that the bottom parts are on the one side and the top parts on the other side. I got another bucket just like the one beffore and put some stones in the bottom of it to make a small gap in between both buckets so that the watter can easily run throw.

I put the bucket's by the window, so that they can get some sunlight, and watter them regularly.

And just after a few days they started haching leaws from the buds. Its probably just becouse they're now inside where it's much warmer, but it looks promesing. :D I just hope that they won't die of of lack of roots. I've seen a tehnique where they put these twigs in a bigger box and then put heating cable in the dirt. So the roots are in a warm place and since the box is in some garage the top part stays cold and that way plant is stimulated more on the root development wich is the most important part.

After a while I'l check on the twigs to see how they are doing with the root development. And once that happens I will have to replant them in separate pots so that the roots don't grow in one big mush. I'm realy excited about this project and if everyhing will turn out good I will have 70 blackcurrant bushes - thats crazy :D.

This is the end of the part one in this project. As I mentioned before, I have zerro experience in this field, so if you have any advice you can give me - I will be happy to read them.

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One mans sticks are another mans treasure.

:) YES! exactly.

Wow! Great job! I'm surprised that those twigs were able to start growing like that. Is this something that works with all plants or just bushes?

there was one thing I forgot to mention - those twigs already had some buds on. So when I took them inside they just started blosoming from the warm climat.
As I mentioned befor - I have zerro education in this subject, so I dont know for shore. It works with currant's, gooseberries [another kind of plants I plan to grow] and similar ones. If you are interested go to YT and search for EdibleAcres - he has a very nice videos on propagation.