The 2017 disOBEY #5
1 oz 2017 John Lennon Proof With COA and Box
Mintage ONLY 755
2017 1 oz Proof disOBEY Lennon
The new Silver Shield disOBEY series pays tribute to the masters of non violent, non compliance throughout the ages.
Behind the modern day hackivist, whistle blower and protester lies the intellectual foundation of the six men of the disOBEY series.
John Lennon could have very easily spent the rest of his life in plush luxury given his legendary rock star life with the Beatles, but he didn't. He spent much of the end of his life promoting peace during the Vietnam War. The US Government saw this as a threat and applied legal and illegal pressure on Lennon to get him to stop. This is documented in The U.S. vs John Lennon documentary.
Simple conscious changing ideas like "Give Peace A Chance", "Make Love Not War" and "War is Over, If You Want It" challenged the status quo and the consciousness of millions to see that all power started and stopped with them.
This will be apart of the 6 Proof Series of disOBEY.
- Thoreau
- Gandhi
- Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
- Martin Luther King
- John Lennon
- Dalai Lama
These six men are forever tied to the rights and freedoms of the conscious individual over the unconscious collective.
For every Guy Fawkes mask you see at protests now a day, there is one of these men intellectually behind it.