Buying precious metals online vs. your local coin shop

in silver •  8 years ago 

This article is entirely opinionated and about personal preference along with the majority of content I put out and publish. These are my thoughts and preferences and after reading this I would love to hear your comments and what you personally prefer in the comment box below!

There truthfully is no right or wrong way of investing in precious metals. Making purchases online from companies like Apmex or JMBullion versus purchasing from your local coin shop are both equally smart choices in the fact that you are investing in your future. Now I have made my fair share of purchases online from Apmex. I do like the company and in no way am I displeased with them or regret purchasing any of my bullion online. I like the variety of options you can find online. For example Apmex offers a random year option of purchasing perth mint coins like the Australian Koala or the very popular Australian Kookaburra. I recently just purchased some random year koala's and I liked the suspense and excitement leading up to the unboxing of my purchase. You pay a premium over spot price per coin and you have a chance to really get some variety and value behind your purchase. When I received my random year koala's I ended up getting one 2016 koala and two 2015's. The 2015 koala's each ended up being a few dollars more in value over what I paid per coin. Personally I look at that purchase as a win. I will definitely be making more random year purchases like that online but I still prefer my local coin shop for the majority of my investing. My favorite local coin shop is Harold B Rice Coins and Stamps. They are mostly a family run business and over time my family and I have built connections with each employee there. It's nice to walk in, see all the familiar faces and catch up about precious metals. I love the awesome customer service along with the knowledge in all of their answers to any of my questions. Personally I like holding my silver after I purchase it and that is why I stay away from buying in bulk online. Having my investment in hand immediately after my purchase is a sense of peace of mind and security. I also find that regardless of what a company online may email you claiming about their amazing deals, a lot of the time your local coin shop may have better offers. I recommend looking into local coin shops in your area and see what they have to offer you. Again this is all my personal preference and outlook on the matter.

I would love to hear your thoughts as well and what your personal preferences are when it comes to purchasing precious metals. Are you like me and prefer your local coin shop over online dealers? Or your do prefer companies like Apmex, JMBullion etc. I look forward to hearing from you guys! Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this article head over to my website ( and check out all my blog articles consisting of my personal opinions and experiences when it comes to silver stacking!


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I've always used Provident Metals and have never had any issues with them. They are the cheaper than the other sites, but still too high over spot for my taste. I get free shipping on any order over $100. Most local dealers I have been to charge just as much over spot as the online dealers.

I agree hoss, for most people they will have better luck online than most local coin shops. Its always worth at least stopping in just once to a few in your area in my opinion. You don't necessarily have to buy anything even though generally most lcs's will charge more for first time buyers because most customers tend to not come back. I found a diamond in the rough with my lcs and truly lucked out. Its why I have been a loyal customer there for years and will continue doing the majority of my silver pick ups there. Thank you for reading boss hoss! I appreciate it :p

I've never had much luck with the online fact, most of the time I see I would be overpaying if I went through with an auction. But I found a great source when I was living in St. Louis and they happen to be a big volume dealer, so they get great rates. Being in the military, I was moved around a bit, but they would even mail me my order after the check cleared and it only cost an extra $7. Check out for some of the best deals I've seen around.

I have never heard of this site but I really never got into auctions myself either. Thank you for sharing that man I'm going to check that out and see what the site has to offer. Thank you for your service as well, God bless you my friend.

Sometimes you found nice deals on eBay auctions too.

true that I have found a lot of great deals when it comes to 90% constitutional silver! I agree bud :) Thanks for reading!