RE: Silver Pumping & Gold:Silver Ratio Correcting HARD

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Silver Pumping & Gold:Silver Ratio Correcting HARD

in silver •  5 years ago 

I dont doubt the powers that be will try to manipulate but the free market always has its way, eventually. I wouldnt be surprised if silver:gold reached 5:1, as a peak, why because all the silver orders that traded for paper, many of those are going call for delivery and then WATCH OUT! Price spike like we've never seen before.

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All of the Financial Guru's are still guessing what's going to happen... I'm telling you that WE THE PEOPLE are Setting The Gold Silver Ratio and the Price of Gold and Silver... They will not Fluctuate in Value, after the U.S. Monetary Reset... Sound Money and U.S. Bullion Coinage will be in Perfect Balance after the Reset...
August 4, 2020... 14.0 Hollywood Time...

I hope you're right. A world where Gold and silver are money again, is a world where bankers cannot print and manipulate to steal from the average man/woman.

Money not backed by gold/silver, is not money, it is a license to steal via controlled inflation.

Our other option is Hyper-inflating, and we're not taking that path... Our Circulating Sound Money will be stable, but the prices of items will still fluctuate, due to supply and demand...
August 4,2020... 16.4 Hollywood Time...