RE: Why do I waste my time...

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Why do I waste my time...

in silver •  2 years ago 

Most people agree that Silver and Gold have Value... Exactly how much Value is for us to decide... When it comes to a Stable Monetary System, we will need Fixed (Face Value) Numbers on our Silver and Gold Coins... It's not that we will be using our Silver and Gold Coins, because they will be Loaded with Spending Power... Too much Spending Power for Day to Day needs... Anyway... A Corrected $100 Gold Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's... I doubt that anyone will be carrying around a pocket full of $100 Gold Coins... Most people wouldn't be able to "make change" for a $100 Gold Coin... Our Silver and Gold Coins will give us a Stable Monetary System, in addition to removing the need for a Federal Income Tax... You may want to read more of my posts...

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my point is your saying that the us dollar needs to be worth gold... but the only difference is... you cant cary 200 lb worth of gold with you anytime you want to do something... The gold system worked before the information age... you cant have any internet technology with a gold currency... how can you even pay for your internet or phone bill? will you ship your gold in the local mail each week? or what about the fact that every human will now live with a huge pile of money in their home waiting to be stolen? Gold is a good idea. however money is already worth what we value it at... if someone is willing to pay for something when the price goes up.. and people still buy it... thats how money is valued... if every business stops getting customers... they have 2 options.. lower prices or go out of business...

if every company in the world lowered their prices. would the power of the us dollar go up? yes. Additionally... If everyones willing to work in SHIT wages... just because theyre too nervous about making a change.. then thats what companys will keep paying them.

backing it in physical gold doesnt change the fact that people can only spend what they have. and they only have what they dont spend.

Most people will not have or use our Silver and Gold Coins... A One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 10,000 of today's Fiat USD's... Our Electronic Coinage will be what most people will be using with their Checks, Debit Cards, Credit Cards, Computers and Smart Phones... We will have Common Coinage, Paper Coinage and Electronic Coinage, which will be 100% backed by our Silver and Gold Coinage... Not backed by Silver and Gold, but backed by Silver and Gold "Coins"... Prices will continue to Fluctuate due to Supply and Demand, but our Coinage will be Stable... No more inflation and no more Federal Income Tax...