Welcome all members of the Silver Gold Knights Guild, we now have our very own discord setup by @senstless and @monsterjamgold and encourage any members to join.
Kicking Off a New season
As we kick off the season number 77 please remember donations are due for those accounts below 20k Lifetime donations. This number is just in place while we understand the landscape of earnings after Chaos is released.
100 DEC Donations - Barracks Please 15,700 DEC to Level 2
We desperately need to get ours to level 2. Then we can all use those week Gladius cards we have been earning. I know I play against them from time to time and they can be OP!!! Can wait to be the one using them. If you are donating to cover 2 seasons to avoid the Holidays you must tell us in Discord or the Tavern when you donate. If you don't tell use, we will assume you are like @tntdabomb and are awesome / generous and donating like made to grow the guild.
Guild Benefits
7% DEC Bonus
Shop Discount 4%
Gladius Case
The Rest of The Guild Stores
DEC is Falling, Earning Rates too
As you have all seen the price of DEC is falling, this is also causing the DEC pool to drop so we will be earning less for every win. But so are card prices, so hopefully you are all loading up on the best cards for your style and splinters.
Open Guild Spot
We are looking to fill the last guild spot, and are accepting applications. We will be looking for a strong active player who can help the guild out. Let us know if you know of someone looking for a new home.
New Guild Rule(s)
- All accounts will be required to donate if lifetime donation levels are under 20k.
- If an account joins a Brawl Fray, and does not submit a team it will be considered a strike. Classic 3 strikes and your are out will apply and you will lose membership to the guild.
Since we are all in this together, we need to do out best in brawls. This will help everyone get more benefit from the guild. We are trying to balance the fact life happens, and fairness to the other guild members trying to place high in the fray. I hope it never comes to this, but given some of the issues I have seen with bad feeling in the SL server, we decided to add it as a guild rule. We will add other rules as we see them necessary and continue to grow.
Current Members
Donations will be tracked and counted for anything after Monsterjamgold Donation at 2:15:52 today
This list will be checked in 3 days and members who have not donated. I will post to both steem and hive trying to tag everyone. Those who choose not to contact prior or donate will be will be removed.