The only brass coin in my stack, is 20 centuries old.

in silvergoldstacker •  4 years ago  (edited)

Primarily I stack silver and gold, but once in a while I run across a coin I just had to add to my stack! This is one such coin.

I have a good friend the travels to Israel every year to teach English for about 3 weeks. Is a Messianic Jew, and someone I would go out of my way for anytime! I sent some cash with him oh, and ask him to find me something interesting. He came back with this....

This is an actual Widow's Mite mounted in a pendant, with the tenth ounce piece of gold next to it for size reference:

It is a very small hand struck bronze coin.

Here's the widow's mite by itself:

It is corroded, but not very bad for 2000 years I guess!

There has to be paperwork with every artifact, before it can be moved internationally. Here's a certification for this coin.

Seems like a lot of fuss for coin that basically is worth very very little. But it was nice to see that it is a period piece!

I had to take my older sister to the hospital with coronavirus today and they admitted her! She's going to be fine, but it was an all-day deal. When I left, GOD reminded me that he is still in charge, with a little sundown artwork!

The colors were stunning. I just stood there and watched them for a little while....


HE can really paint! And it put me at ease, and I know that she will be fine.

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Thanks for sharing the treasures, @smithlabs. Copper is real money, too. I hope your Sister is feeling better.

Not much copper there, but I sure like the coin! The coin is about 8mm or 3/8, and is in a gold pendant mount.
