Am I considered a Monetary Guru...???steemCreated with Sketch.

in silvergoldstackers •  18 days ago 


I'm currently listening to Greg Hunter and Catherine Austin Fitts...

I'm so far ahead of her, when it comes to the U.S. Monetary Correction...

I won't go into what she said, but it's now obvious to me, that my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction is a "Masterpiece" compared to what anyone else came up with...

I Created a Masterpiece, and I'm just a Dummy...

Could you imagine what a Smart Person could have done...???

Actually, I think I just happened to figure out what's been in the Works for many Decades...

The Pieces of the Puzzle fit together to perfect, where we're currently at...

Removing our Gold and Silver Coins from Circulation, having Staggering amounts of Common U.S. Coinage along with Staggering amounts of Silver and Gold standing by, couldn't have been a Coincidence...

It's got to be a part of a very well thought out plan, someone else came up with...

Plus, I've been seeing too many Clues coming out of the U.S. Mint...

I won't go into all the Clues, but there are many...

I also have good reason to believe, President Trump is fully aware of the Plan, when he says "The Best is Yet to Come"...

He's got to be talking about our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, that will be backing our Paper Coinage, Electronic Coinage and Common Coinage...

What can be better than a "Stable Monetary System"...???

Even Derek Johnson on Rumble, just said that our "Dollars" will be worth "Dollars" again...

That's because of the 100 Fold increase in Spending Power, I've been writing about...

What puts me steps ahead of any of the Financial Guru's is that I figured out how we're going to "make change" for our New Product Line of "Circulating" Silver and Gold "Coins"...

The answer sure wasn't obvious to Catherine Austin Fitts...


How's everyone doing...???

As you're thinking about what you want to Donate to the Monster Raffle, keep in mind that Silver and Gold are about to go to the Moon and Beyond...

This type of information will be an incentive to buy as many Tickets as possible...

Everyone is going to want to win one or more of the Gifts...

I think this will be the Biggest Monster Raffle ever...

I can't wait to see who's Donating what...

Let me know if you have any Monetary Correction questions...


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The dollar most of the time can really be volatile most especially than we can ever imagine of

The Dollars we've been using, belong to the Central Bank Owners who charge us a "Rental Fee" for their use... I consider them to be "Commodities" since they're not stable...

I like monetary stability but let's keep in mind that even the dollar has volatility

You're right... The Fiat "Rental" Dollars are Volatile... We're going to "Remove" them and "Replace" them with "our" Sound Money Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents, which will be "Stable"...

I must actually confess that you are really knowledgeable when it comes to the finances and this is really great to actually see. So much of knowledge I always get from your post

It all came from m Wild imagination...

(Could you imagine what a Smart Person could have done...???)
An intelligent person can do whatever they want, generally these people keep a low profile, but when they speak they let their potential be seen.
Intelligence, like many issues in this world, is relative, but there are some people who deserve admiration in this sense.
I wish you a happy day