Gold and a Twenty Cent Pizza...

in silvergoldstackers •  7 days ago 

Would you be willing to pay 20 Cents for a Large Pizza...???

It may even be less, depending on where you go...

No, this is not a Pizza, but I thought it would make for a nice story...

Since everything on the other side of the Reset will cost 100 times less when using Sound Money, I figured a Pizza that costs 20 Fiat USD's today, will be Reset to 20 Cents...

What a deal if you had a Piggy Bank filled with Quarter Dollar Coins before the Reset happens...

Everyone knows that something big is about to happen, but not one person that I'm aware of is talking about Common U.S. Coinage increasing 100 fold in Spending Power...

They're probably afraid of sounding ridiculous, which I found out to be the case...

People just have a hard time wrapping their heads around my "Fine Tuned" version of what's heading our way...

Since the Fiat USD's have already lost more than 99% of their Spending Power, it's logical to assume that the Exchange Rate back to Sound Money will be 100 to 1...

One Physical Fiat USD will get me a One Cent Coin...

A Twenty Dollar "Bill" will get me 20 Cents in U.S. Coinage...

I do believe we will be returning to "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins, that will range from $2 to $100...

It makes sense to me that our Common Coinage will be perfect for "making change"...

I'm sure we'll also have Paper Coinage and Electronic Coinage...

All you Silver and Gold Stackers will be very pleased on the other side of the Reset...

They won't give me the 100 fold increase in Spending Power, but they will do very good...

I'm sure you've heard of Gold going to 10,000, which will be the Spending Power of a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin...

That's a lot of Spending Power, for a Coin, so I don't expect it to Circulate as fast as our Paper Coinage, our Electronic Coinage, or our Common Coinage...

I can hardly wait for the Reset to happen, for obvious reasons...

For one, I'm rolling in Common U.S. Coinage and I have more Silver and Gold than most...

There's more to my story, but you don't need to know my Life History...

I've been holding back on what I reveal in most of my Blogs these days, since we're so close to the Reset...

And now, it's more important than ever, for me to keep my identity a secret, because of my Microscopic Gold Discovery...

I'm always open to questions about the Reset, so feel free to ask...

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hahaha, I like your imagination hahaha, this pizza looks great, I liked seeing this .
A hug my friend, I appreciate you very much

You're the first to comment on it... Thanks for noticing...