Silver to 900 and Gold to 9,000...

in silvergoldstackers •  3 months ago 


This will be the Melt Values of Silver and Gold if Measured in the Old Fiat USD's...

Once "We the People" go back to Sound Money, the Melt Value of Silver will be $9 per ounce and the Melt Value of Gold will be $90 per ounce...

The U.S. Treasury will Pay $9 for an ounce of Silver and use it to Mint $10 in Silver Coins...

The U.S. Treasury will Pay $90 for an ounce of Gold and use it to Mint $100 in Gold Coins...

How am I doing so far...???

For some reason, people are having a hard time wrapping their heads around my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction...


Our Silver Coins will range from $1 to $10...

Our Gold Coins will range from $10 to $100...

Guess what happens to the Spending Power of our Common U.S. Coinage, once it starts "making change" for our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...???

It all seems pretty obvious to me, but I have to wonder how obvious it is for you...

I suppose, most people are not aware that "We the People" have been using 2 different Dollars...

We use Dollars owned by "We the People" and we use Fiat Dollars owned by the Central Bank Owners...

We pay "Rental Fees" for the ones owned by the Central Bank Owners...

Our Common U.S. Coinage "circulates" free of charge...

We the People only pay the One Time Cost, of Minting our Coinage...

The Central Bank Owners charge us Rental Fees for as long as their Fiat Dollar circulate...

To me, this means "We the People" are paying "Never Ending" Rental Fees for the "use" of Fiat USD's...

Who thinks "We the People" were "Bamboozled" by Agents of the Central Bank Owners...???

So, why do people find what I write so hard to believe...???

I suppose your guess is as good as mine...

So, did anyone figure out what will become of the Spending Power of our Common U.S. Coinage, once it starts "making change" for our "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...???

As per my "Fine Tuned" version of the Reset, I'm expecting to see a 100 Fold increase in the Spending Power of our Common U.S. Coinage...

This tells me, our Common U.S. Coinage will "out perform" Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin...

I don't see Silver, Gold or Bitcoin increasing 100 Fold, any time soon...

I have to believe that most people find my 100 Fold increase in Spending Power a little too hard to believe...

I would love to know if there are any of you who believes I'm onto something...


Let me know if you find what I write, too hard to believe...

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I did NOT read this post, I want to tell you something.
Yesterday I was looking at the price of a gold chain, I want to buy one, the price is too high, possibly because of the month, December is a month when everything increases, then I looked at the silver ones and went back to the gold ones hahaha, I really like gold, I do NOT deny that, I will wait and buy one, gold is a safe metal and in jewelry it is beautiful, I will look for a pendant too.

Gold will reach a Melt Value of $90 per ounce in Common U.S. Coinage... Silver will reach a Melt Value of $180 per ounce in Common U.S. Coinage... If I were you, I'd buy the Silver Chain and Exchange the Silver Change later on for a Gold Chain with twice the weight of your Silver Chain...