The U.S. Dollars will not Devalue, they will Re-value...

in silvergoldstackers •  6 days ago 


There's a Big Difference between Fiat USD's and U.S. Dollars and Cents...

We the People own the Rights to U.S. Dollars and Cents...

The Central Bank Owners have been "Renting" us their Fiat Dollars and Digital Cents and calling it "interest"...

I'm expecting to see a 100 Fold increase in the Spending Power of "our" U.S. Dollars, Cents and Decimal Cents...

Because of the 100 Fold increase in Spending Power, I figure we'll need to add 99 Decimal Cents to our Electronic Dollars and Cents...

This will give me the ability to pay any amount that's "less" than one Cent, using my Electronic Bank or Prepaid Debit Card...

Each Electronic Decimal Cent will have the Spending Power of "One" of today's Digital "Fiat" Cents...


I got my 2024-S "Proof" Peace Silver Dollar in the mail on Monday...

I also received the 2024-S "Proof" Morgan Silver Dollar...

Since I haven't been getting any comments on my photos, I decided not to post either one of my "Proof" Morgan and Peace Silver Dollars...

I may be using mine to make some new Silver Gold Banners...

They are very beautiful, to say the least...


Let me know if you have any questions or concerns...

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(I got my 2024-S "Proof" Peace Silver Dollar in the mail on Monday...I also received the 2024-S "Proof" Morgan Silver Dollar... ) want to see them, I will see them, sometimes it takes me a while to get to your posts but I always get there