Why do I bother...

in silvergoldstackers •  11 months ago 

Golden Rock....jpg
I think the Gold in mixed in with the Deep Chocolate Quartz...

I think I discovered a Major Gold Deposit and yet, here I am, writing about Common Five Cent Coins...

If my Suspicions are right, this "ore sample" I personally picked up, may have come from "The Lost Breyfoggle Mine"...

I didn't really know what I found, until I started to see "Close Up Shots" of Pictures I took for one of my Blogs...

All of a sudden, my eyes were opened to what I found...

Oh well...

No one seems to care, so here I am, writing about a few Stacks of 25% Nickel Coins...

The Value of these Coins isn't in their Melt Value, it's in their Face Values...


Seen above are Seven Stacks with 20 Nickels each...

What people don't realize is that every Nickel is about to have the Spending Power of Five of Today's Fiat Dollars...

This means that each Stack of 20 Nickels will have the Spending Power of 100 of today's Fiat Dollars...

So, on the "other side" of the Reset, 7 Stacks of 20 Nickels, will have the Spending Power of 700 of today's Fiat Dollars...

Not a bad deal, for $7 in Common U.S. Coinage...

The thing is, our Common Coinage is about to become "Sound Money" backed by "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

I can't seem to stress that point enough...

Could you imagine each $2 Roll of Nickels, having the Spending Power of 200 of today's Fiat Dollars...???

Rolls of Nickels....jpg

It doesn't seem possible, but the above Rolls of Nickels will have the Spending Power of Thousands of today's Fiat Dollars...

I could actually turn in 5 Rolls for a One Ounce, $10 Silver Coin...

The $10 Silver Coin will have the Spending Power of 1,000 of today's Fiat Dollars...


My eyes were opened, many years ago...

Is that why I feel so compelled to open the eyes of others...???

Don't think I haven't been around the block, many thousands and thousands of times...

How do you think I got to where I'm at now...lol...???

I have no idea where I'm going with this Blog...

I'm sure most of you could probably write it for me, word for word...

You all think I write the exact same thing in every post, so why do I waste my time typing in these words, when I can copy the same Blog every day...

Oh boy, I'm starting to get ideas that will same me a lot of time, each day...

I can have most of my Blogs "Pre-Written" and just add a line or two showing one of my Silver and Gold Coins...

I suppose I'll still have to come up with a fitting title for each blog...

I should have a Contest, seeing who's able to write something that come closest to my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

I better not put anyone on the spot...

I do wonder who would come closest...

It's actually very easy, if you were looking at it from my point of view...

Tell me why I believe there will be a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, away from "Physical" Fiat Dollars...

Tell me why I believe our Common U.S. Coinage will need to increase 100 Fold in "Spending Power"...

Tell me what we're going to do with all the $100 Bills, Flooding back to the U.S. Treasury...

Tell me why I'll be able to buy One Pound of Copper with Five Cents, and get back change...

Tell me how I can turn $5 in Common U.S. Coinage into a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin...

Now wonder, no one believes a word I write...lol...

I realize how hard some of the things I write are to believe, but I have very good reasons to believe that everything I write about the U.S. Monetary Correction, will come to pass...

Tell me how "We the People" will be able to Pay off the National Debt, in Full, including the interest...

Tell me who owns the "Rights" to all U.S. Coinage, in any Form deemed necessary...

Tell me why the United States will honor all "Physical" Federal Reserve Notes...

So now what...???

So, what do you think about me having a "Master Blog" that I just add a few words, here and there...???

Perhaps, I'll try it out, starting with my next blog...

It makes sense, since I don't think people read what I write anyway...

I can usually tell by all the replies I don't get...

If I'm going to waste my time, I may as well make the best of it...

I hope my brain doesn't get carried away, because it's already starting to come up with ideas...

I could actually start with this blog...

Sorry, I just can't do it...

I can't allow myself to copy what others are doing...

I see how easy it could be for me to fill up my blogs with my Master Blog Photos...

I actually don't think I have many more blogs to write, since the reset appears to be, right around the corner...

Many things are about to be revealed...

2011 Buffalo Tails....jpg

How else did you think we were going to "Make Americans Great Again"...???

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You know what I think, keep going, I'll be happy for you.
Luck is what I wish you my friend

Thanks... Have a nice day...