Counterfeit been an issue right from the very beginning when purchasing goods, with counterfeit producers, looking for different and modified means to deliver fake product to the public. After the introduction of e-commerce or online purchases, counterfeit product went all high and today, we are faced with fears not knowing which is real and which is counterfeit.
Is the activity of buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Source.
After the introduction of E-commerce, purchasing of goods became very easy as products can be ordered and delivered to your doorstep, payment can be made easily with just a click of a button, all good things developed surely comes with its negative part and as it relates to e-commerce the problem of not knowing which is real and which is counterfeit arise.
Unable to access the product offline to properly know which is real, buyers often fall victim when purchasing products and unknowingly to them, they end up purchasing the counterfeit ones, different means have been tried to end or minimize this but all to no avail until now, the introduction of SimplyBrand.
Combining the power of blockchain, AI, and crowdsourcing to end online counterfeiting once and for all. SimpyBrand.
SimlplyBrand uses the blockchain power, AI technology and also crowdsourcing to properly scan, tag and notified retailers on which product/brand is real or fake thereby reducing the risk of buyers purchasing the fake/counterfeit product.
Humans or machines are not 100% accurate, blockchain technology hopes to create a wider audience and a decentralized system not being controlled by anybody, meaning users will be able to access information any and everywhere at a go which is really useful when it comes to product identification.
SimplyBrand will be able to reach a wider audience by making a blacklist of products on the blockchain, product that has gone through series of identification and found to be a counterfeit of the original, thereby reducing the risk of users unknowingly adding this said product to their e-commerce shops and in-turn creating a barrier between this counterfeit product and buyers.
Tokens will be distributed to users as a form of reward for reporting counterfeit product via crowdsourcing means and this token can be used for purchasing brand privileged items on SimplyBrand platform or trading it via exchange for another coin which can then be exchanged to fiat currency.
SimplyBrand in collaboration with Cobinhood brings a pre-sale event where users will be able to purchase the SimplyBrand token and with huge bonuses to be had when purchases are made during the pre-sale event.
The pre-sale started 10th January 2019 and will be live till 23rd March 2019 with sale divided into 14 stages and the top 11 stages comprising of different bonuses to be won by top investors who will share a bonus prize pool of the total amount they invest at each stage.
Stage | Legit Investor with the highest investment amount | Bonus Pool |
1 | Top 20 investors out of the first 30 | 100 ETH worth of SBA |
2 | Top 20 investors out of the first 30 | 100 ETH worth of SBA |
3 | Top 20 investors out of the first 30 | 100 ETH worth of SBA |
4 | Top 30 investors out of the first 45 | 150 ETH worth of SBA |
5 | Top 40 investors out of the first 60 | 200 ETH worth of SBA |
6 | Top 50 investors out of the first 75 | 250 ETH worth of SBA |
7 | Top 90 investors out of the first 135 | 450 ETH worth of SBA |
8 | Top 90 investors out of the first 135 | 450 ETH worth of SBA |
9 | Top 90 investors out of the first 135 | 450 ETH worth of SBA |
10 | Top 100 investors out of the first 150 | 500 ETH worth of SBA |
11 | Top 120 investors out of the first 180 | 600 ETH worth of SBA |
The package does not end there, as SimplyBrand went further to create more incentive for users to not just take part in the competition alone, but also invite others to do so, and when such is carried out, a prize pool is still allocated to top 100 participants who accumulated the most reward via the referral program.
After the end of the pre-sale, the top 100 participants that have accumulated the most investment amount from their referrals will be eligible to split a pool of SBA according to their referral contribution. In other words, the more your referred friends invest in SimplyBrand, the higher the chance you’ll have of receiving a large bonus. The pool will be determined by how much ETH SimplyBrand raises as a whole.
SimplyBrand Ambassador Program
NOTE, For a referral to be valid, the participant must invest in SimplyBrand pre-sale and also input the referral unique code
Total ETH raised | Pool for ambassadors to share |
5,000 ETH | 1,000,000 SBA |
10,000 ETH | 2,000,000 SBA |
20,000 ETH | 3,000,000 SBA |
30,000 ETH | 5,000,000 SBA |
Name | SBA |
Type | ERC-20 |
Price | 1 ETH = 4,000 SBA |
Hard cap | 40,000 ETH |
Soft cap | 4,000 ETH |
Total supply | 1,000,000,000 |
To learn more about SimplyBrand watch the video below
Tables and information used in generating tables shown above was gotten from SimplyBrand pre-sale page