24 ways to optimize and promote your site

in site •  8 years ago 

Many pose questions and ask how to optimize or promote the site and that it needs to have a very good article about it, if someone does not read, please read the very useful, will save you from all the possible questions, in fact here:

The most important first step is to register your site in search web-systems, so start with the steps for the preparation of web-pages for optimal indexing site.

  1. Create the page header. For each page, the headline of 5-8 words that adequately reflects its content. Try to include it as little as auxiliary words such unions can be, prepositions and so on. Upon detection of this page is this header is displayed by the search engine. The title can be quite enticing to a potential visitor a desire to click on this link. Place it on top of the web-page, between the tags, in the following format:. Tip: on the page next to the name of your company, specify the number of keywords for your business. Instead of "promotion of sites, Inc." Use the "promotion of the site - poikovaya optimization, web design, link exchange". The more specific information people will see in the highlighted line links in search engine results work, the greater the likelihood of their use of this reference.

  2. Create a list of keywords. To do this, it makes sense to sit down with a few colleagues and brainstorming pick 50-100 words or key phrases that are more likely may be a search string to find in the Internet such a company or site. Then, specify a list, leaving it about 20 of the most important elements. Place those words at the top of web-page, between the tags in the META tag in the following format: However, the study of the search engine algorithms work shows that fewer keywords can actively contribute to the appearance of links to your site in the results of a targeted search for a particular business, if you pay attention to location your page in the search engines. Consider using both conventional and composed entirely of capital letters to write the most important words, as many search engines take into account this aspect. Make sure that the words are not repeated more than three times, to avoid sanctions for "keyword spamming".

  3. Create a page description. Select the most important 20 words and write exactly the 200- or 250-character sentence (counting and spaces), or a couple of sentences. There is no need to repeat any of the words used in the title. Try to make these proposals clear, but concise. Avoid auxiliary and unnecessary words (eg and, the company, and the others.) To leave enough room for more important words, these keywords performing the task. Place those words at the top of web-page between the tags in the META tag in the following format:

  4. Register page in search engines. The next step should be to check your page in popular search engines and directories. The most popular search engines, automatically scans and indexes your site are: AltaVista, Excite, HotBot, Lycos, Infoseek, WebCrawler and Northern Light.

  5. Register the page in Internet directories. Yahoo is a directory of the most serious - although technically it is more reference than a search engine. In Yahoo reading (and, too often, the reduction) of your 200-character sentences involved a real living people, so be careful and follow their instructions.

  6. Register the page on other sites. You may come across a proposal to include your pages in 300 different search engines. The big benefits of this can not be expected, maximum - an imaginary creation of the popularity of your site in a number of major search engines. In general, the top 25 directories - this is quite enough, unless your area of ​​business does not have any specific requirements.

  7. Ask for links to your site from other sites in your industry. Perhaps your company is included in various associations, other members of which also have their own websites. Ask for references. Even if you have to pay for it some money, such a link can bring you the desired traffic.

  8. Include your website URL in all the details of your company, indicated on letterhead, business cards and printed materials. Make sure that all copies of the cards, letterheads, brochures and other printed material containing your company's URL. And pay attention to the fact that the printer is correctly displayed URL syntax. When printing is recommended to omit the http: // and enter only a fragment www.xxx.xx.

  9. Continue promotion in traditional media. Do not stop advertising in the print media. However, make sure that all promotional materials including the URL of your site. The site should be considered as informational addition to the promotional materials. reader's attention is drawn advertising, as required in the web-page reference is the source of more information and possibly a means of placing orders. Sometimes these advertisements are more targeted, effective and less expensive than online advertising. Consider the use of other traditional media to drive traffic to your company's website -. Such as promotional mailings, thematic sections of announcements and advertising, postcards, etc. You can also use television to promote your site.

  10. Offer free services. It is one thing to say: "Come to our website and read about our business." It's quite another thing: "Take advantage of the exclusive free kitchen remodeling calculator, free available only on our website." But make no mistake - the development of free resources of this kind requires a large investment of time and energy, but efforts are rewarded handsomely with an increase in traffic to the site.

  11. to exchange links with related sites. Search related to your site and learn from them about the possibility of exchanging links (especially to your free service, if you have any offer). Links to other websites place away from the pages of the site, containing the basic and most important information - not to pack off "neighbors" who came just to you client.

  12. Publish the news. Look for a decent news coverage events (such as, for example, start your free service) and distributes news releases to the print and electronic periodicals of your field of business.

  13. Request link to your site on the websites of the business directories. This is all the more worth doing if you offer some free service - especially useful when you various business directories, even small. Offer "free lunch" opens many doors for you. Look for places in the Internet. Then write an email to the owner or web-master of this site with your company name, URL of its website and a brief 200-character description of products and / or services you offer.

  14. Get a visitor's email address and ask for permission to send it updates. In the form of "feedback" to the visitor of your company website is necessary to provide "check" to determine the visitor's desire to receive e-mail updates for your products and services. If a visitor has put a "check box", your delivery will no longer spam for it, and your response to his request for further information. It is recommended to separate fields for first and last name visitor to individualize treatment for him in the send materials. But we should not demand too much information as it could deter potential visitors.

  15. Publish and distribute newsletters. Although it takes a long time, the publication of weekly, monthly or quarterly newsletters - one of the best ways to keep in touch with subscribers. This creates an atmosphere of trust, improve customer awareness of the product and promotes business development in the future.

  16. Set "Signature" with the details of your company and your website in your e-mail messages. Most e-mail programs - such as the Outlook for example - allow you to specify a "signature" at the end of your message is sent. Limit the signature 6-8 lines: Company name, address, phone number, URL, email address, and one phrase to describe features of the products or services you offer. A good example is similar to messages that come to your address to other companies.

  17. Promote your site in subscriptions and newsgroups. The Internet offers thousands of narrowly targeted mailing lists and news groups for people with narrowly specific interests. Do not bother with news groups, consisting of explicit spam. It is better to look for the group with the possibility of dialogue. Do not use aggressive marketing and frank "vparivanie" your products and services, even if you are seen in the some advantages. . People gradually get used to you know and trust you will gradually, and accordingly - be interested in your site and the possibility of cooperation.

  18. Announce competition. People love to receive gifts and prizes. If you declare online competition or lottery, it will also increase traffic.

  19. Join a banner exchange network. The point is that you actually agree to display banners on your site other members of LinkExchange, and they do the same for you. In addition, there is a possibility of some earnings through paid banners.

  20. Obtain a place under the banners on relevant websites. Perhaps to increase the traffic you have to spend some money on banners. Choose sites whose audience consists of certain people in their characteristics with the potential to become your customers. Costs range from $ 10 to $ 40 per thousand viewers your banner people, and CTR is 0.5% to 1%.

  21. Obtain a place in the text advertisements in the newsletter by e-mail. Experts say that the most cost-effective are small 4-12 inline ads in popular newsletters. Ads can contain both information and motivation for visiting the page at the specified URL, which usually attracts the attention of a more narrow audience.

  22. Rent targeted lists. We all hate spam - voluminous, useless e-mails - and you can really damage the reputation of your company and even reduce the number of its clients, if succumb to this temptation. However, the scope of direct marketing has developed special leased targeted mailing lists, consisting of individual addresses, willing to receive commercial e-mail messages. In this case, you must first carry out a short test to check the quality of the list.

  23. Use the opportunity of positioning in search engines. Register your site in search engines - this is only the first step. But if you do not develop it further, your site will be simply difficult to find among the tens of millions of other links. Following the registration you will need to create a series of gateway pages, each tuned to a specific search phrase and search engine. This process requires time-consuming, so many small firms charge positioning in the search engines to third parties.

  24. Create a cooperation program sites. In fact, the task of this program is to pay commissions to those sites whose links to your site, and in fact led to the commission of a visitor of real shopping. The aim is to build a partner network that are interested in promoting your site.

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Nice and interesting article, thanks for sharing !

Thank you, I will be grateful for the vote!