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Continuing the story from previous post...
Then I realized my mobile was almost out of battery so I asked a waiter from a Café/Bar in one of the wall bastions if they had a plug to charge my phone and he said I could charge it from the plug they have in the bar, so I went there and kept sketching and doodling random stuff until who I believe was the Café/Bar bookkeeper arrived and sited at her desk in front of me, she was really cute so I had to draw her of course hehe, that's the one above...
When my phone got fully charged it was already night so drawing was no longer an option cause I had no longer quality light so I packed up my stuff on my small bag and started promenading again on the city, it was quite different than with daylight, really beautiful with all those night lights, there was some mass in a church I passed by and I decided to enter just out of curiosity, I'm an atheist despite that most of my family is catholic, so this was quite alien to me...
So I sat there on those long benches along a bunch of other people, who were clearly following the rituals, I didn't took part of it, I was just a mere observer...but stayed there until the end of the sermon and well I liked what the priest said, it was a very Christmassy message of family union, peace and love as well as to look up for this new year for improving ourselves and give the best we can. That was very nice to witness , then I proceeded to exit and check my cell phone, I saw that my Grand-Aunt had had written to me saying that a friend of hers was in Cartagena as well and that I may stay at her place for a night, but I was too late since I had already logged on a hostel next to the walled city.
Afterwards I asked some directions for getting back to the hostel, not that I was lost but was kinda disoriented after exiting the church, so I walked toward the hostel but before ate an Arepa with Mozzarella and it was really good, in fact I want one now hehe. Once I got to the hostel I took a shower chatted a bit with the roomates and I went up to the rooftop lounge, yeah this hostel was quite nice!, on a side of the rooftop there was a sort of party were my Chilean roomates were at, I wasn't really on the mood for that sort activities so I stayed in the quieter part were some Argentinian girls were cooking dinner, not sure how we started talking but quickly we were having very interesting conversation along another guy from Barcelona and well we spent most of the night there, I really liked that, connecting with people from other places at that level :) it really made my night...
Continued in the next post!