The Value of Skills

in skills •  7 years ago 

The lack of skills makes a man beg for bread, and those who knew these earlier are better for it. In order not to be a liability in a word that is full of competition, one must equip himself.

Many are not skilled in anything are those who have no idea, no initiative and who are always waiting for what others will tell them to do.
The value of skills cannot be over-emphasized, and in today's world we are in, anyone who cannot define something of uniqueness about themselves, confidently stating what they do or offer the world, such a person is technically doomed, psychologically isolated. It is even worse when such a person failed to discover it on time.

How to motivate oneself to get skilled .


Some people have actually not seen any reason to be skillful, hence their reason for remaining inactive or dormant. The moment they have good enough reasons, their approach and mentality start to change.


A lot who get skilled actually became the skillful type because of their innate desire to add something to their world, an innate passion to make the world a better place than they met it. So if your focus is on contribution, you will be driven to acquire the necessary skills to meet such demands.

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