in skincare •  7 years ago 

There's nothing like finding comfort in feeling and looking beautiful while being completely bare. As much as I love getting glammed up and playing with make up, make up is expensive! I'm not going to lie, learning and investing in improving your own skin might be expensive at first, but I find it totally worth it. Nothing feels as good as a flawless bare face!

Like most girls, I wash my face every morning and night; throw a face mask at least once or twice a week, and get occasional break outs especially when Aunt Dot is in town. I was aware of what to do to keep my skin in check, but I wasn't that informed on how to keep my skin nourished with what it really needs every day. Being in shape takes discipline and and patience. This also holds true when it comes to taking care of your skin. Just like how you observe what part of your body stores fat the most; you know if you have dry, oily, or combo skin. Everyone has a different path and must try various things to see their desired results. However, there are always key components that works for everyone despite our different skin types. If I can follow these tips, you can too!


Improving your skin works from the inside out. This why consuming more water is one of the easiest and quickest ways to attaining beautiful glowing skin. Consuming more water not only helps to increase metabolism, but also helps the digestive system flush out toxins from the body and skin. Water is essential to cleanse cells of built up waste. Water also delivers nutrients to the skin cells that replenishes the skin tissue, and increases its elasticity. This is how water helps prevent fine lines and wrinkles!

I, personally, like to infuse my water with a fat slice of lemon for flavor. Don't forget to squeeze the lemon in your water and drink some of the pulp. Your skin will appreciate you for the dose of vitamin C. I don't drink soda often, and I try to keep my alcohol and sugar in take to a minimum. Ever wonder why everything looks and feels like death after a night of drinking? It's because your body is dehydrated. Ever since I started drinking less alcohol, I noticed my skin looked less tired and more supple. Drink water, mind your business, and watch that skin glow!


When we are stressed, a hormone called cortisol is released. Cortisol can make your skin look dull, lose it's volume, form winkles and cause acne. Have you ever noticed how we get breakouts when we're stressed? I know it's easier said than done but lack of sleep also doesn't help. Getting more sleep not only jump starts your body physically, but refreshes you mentally. They call it beauty sleep for a reason! Lack of sleep can cause premature aging with dark circles under your eyes, and decreased production of collagen making your skin less supple. To stress less, I like to clean, organize and make lists. My mind is more at ease when I'm in a clean home and everything that needs to be done is done. To destress - and when I can't clean anything else - I like to let it out on the stair master or put my gloves on and let it out on the punching bag.

The best way to stress less is to prevent it. You can do this efficiently by taking steps to observe and improve your every day habits. Some people are never on time while some people just don't know what to do. When I'm bombarded at work, I always ask when they need things by so I can prioritize and organize my to do list. Making a list always helps. When you're thinking of a million things, you also have to remember not to forgot those things, now making it a million and one things not to forget. Writing things down lets your mind breathe and releases pressure from the thought of having to remember every thing else. Another way to reduce stress is to learn how to manage your time. Flexible daily routines lower stress levels due to predictability. Remember that life happens. Your schedule does not have to be set in stone all the time. Setting a tone for the next day is a great way to prepare for your day; think of it as a head start and giving yourself a game plan after waking up! Taking 10 minutes to prepare your outfit for the next morning can make such a huge difference instead of turning your closet inside out, rushing to get to work on time. Being awake and having your head on straight in the morning can help you enjoy that cup of coffee so much more. Lastly, don't forget to breathe and appreciate the little things. Sometimes we forget the reason why we're doing things and lose sight of the big picture. Hard work pays off, it just takes time!


95% of wrinkles are due to sun exposure. Now that I'm in my late 20s, I have no issue with bringing a hat to the beach. UV radiation damages the fibers in our skin (collagen and elastin) which leads to sagging, stretching, and wrinkles. Being that I live in Miami, I don't mind having a wonderful tan. However, I make sure my face doesn't get as much exposure as the rest of my body. Investing in a concealer or moisturizer that has SPF is an easy way to implement skin care to your beauty routine. Play in the shade, treat yourself to a poppin' beach hat, and put on some SPF!


The earlier you define your skin routine, the better. Growing up, I've always been obsessed with having the softest skin. Shout out to Avon's Skin So Soft body oil, you never let me down! My eagerness to educating myself on how to improve my face started two years ago. I witnessed amazing results from a product my mom suggested. Seeing results in my skin made me want to learn more about different products; what works for me, what doesn't - and eventually made me want to tune my routine. This tedious task consists of trying a lot of successful and not so successful products, reading/watching a lot of product reviews, and price comparisons. The last thing you want to do is fall in love with a $150 serum that only last for god knows how long. I'm talking about you, YSL Forever Youth Liberator Serum. My best friend once gave me a sample face wash to try that came with her new Clarisonic, and my skin improved within a week! That's how I discovered Kate Somerville's Gentle Daily Wash, ($36). I tried to go back to using my usual Clean & Clear's Night Relaxing Face Wash, and the results just weren't the same. Now I only use Kate at night when my skin can soak up all of it's juice.

Key products to a morning skin routine is a face wash, toner, moisturizer, and SPF. At night, when your skin has the most time to breathe and rest from away from make up is when the fun starts. My night routine consists of a face wash, toner, serum, spot treatments (if necessary), eye cream, facial oil, and moisturizer or night cream. When it comes to trying new products, some results are noticeable the next day or within a week. As long as I'm not seeing negative effects within one week, I try to give it at least three weeks to see if there's any improvement. Sephora has an amazing return policy, and the beauty aisle in TJ Maxx and Marshall's are only worth a few dollars but definitely worth trying! Don't forget to look at the expiration dates!


It's never too late to get ahead of the game. If you're in your early 20s, set your skin care regimen for success, and flawlessly age like fine wine! Before I got into this obsession with skin care, I never thought I'd be this fixated with Vitamin C and drinking so much water. Not only are you preventing how your skin ages, but you're also working on improving the skin you have now. Genetics play a part in the characteristics of your skin, don't be afraid to ask your mom what products she's using! Also, don't forget to use any extra or left over skin care product on your décolletage - my mom says you won't regret it!

Now you must be dying to know what product my mom recommended to me which caused my newfound spark of interest in skin care. My mom always had sun spots on her cheeks and under eyes which can come off as freckles. A month into her new skin regimen, she integrated hyaluronic acid + vitamin C serums; her sun spots disappeared. Her skin looked so much younger and smoother! On top of that, she got her two bottles from TJ Maxx for only $8+ each! Before my mom's tip, I never heard of hyaluronic acid in commercials or magazine ads. This is why you have to look it up! I took a deep dive into reading a lot of reviews and seeing amazing results. These products are considered to be under the preventive + anti aging category; but after knowing what I have to do to take care of my skin, I'm not scared to age! Most of all, I'm loving the skin I'm in - NOW.

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