19 oils that are beneficial for not just the skin, but the entire body

in skincare •  7 years ago 

There are so many oils in this world that man kind having been using for healing for centuries. Seriously, so many! I have put together a short list of oils I use every day. Whether through my diffuser, or in my lotions and scrubs. These oils have benefited my family and I for the better. These oils come from all over the world. Most of them are distilled and then distributed through more than one place. There are several brands that distill and distribute from the same place. Those are the oils you want to get. They are the most pure and the most potent. Unfortunately, the most expensive as well. Their prices vary based on the amount of money it takes to distill one bottle and how much that amount of money will make. I hope that makes sense. It is only recently, within the last 50 years or so, that people have been going back to nature and using natural products in their every day lives. I'm not saying these oils are magical cures for whatever ails you, but they definitely do help. I have seen a difference with my own eyes. All of these oils are great for the skin. Let's jump into it and get started.


This oil is a natural anti-depressant. It releases serotonin and dopamine which relieves anxiety, anger, and sadness. It smells musky, but in a good way. It is anti-phylogistic, which means it relieves fever and inflammation. It is a natural anti-septic and astringent. That means it helps strengthen the gums, tone skin, decrease hair loss, and it relaxes muscles. It is also an aphrodisiac.
Patchouli is a cicatrisant, which means it fights against skin issues like dermatitis, eczema, and psoriasis. It naturally heals wounds like cuts, and decreases scar formation from boils. It fights against acne, pox, and measles. It is a cytophylactic oil, which means it stimulates cell generation, increases circulation of the blood, increases oxygen levels in the organs, and increases metabolism. We could all use some of that now that we are getting older, I'm sure.
Patchouli is often used in deodorants because it smells really good. I think. It is a diuretic. It helps with weight loss, decreases blood pressure, increases appetite, decreases bad cholesterol, and removes toxins in the body. It is a febrifuge. This means it naturally decreases body temperature. It is a natural fungicide and insecticide and fights against things like athlete's foot and also fights of bacteria in the respiratory system. It is a natural sedative. It decreases convulsions, coughs, epileptic attacks, calms nerves, fights insomnia, and it is rather tasty in a tonic or tea.


Lavender is probably the worlds most popular oil. Everyone and their grandma use this oil for all sorts of things. Lavender is a natural bug repellent. It is a natural sleep aid. I put a few drops on my kids pillows, or the corners of their blankets an that calms them right down. It helps with the nervous system by decreasing anxiety, migraines, depression, stress, it regulates heart rate, and increases cognitive function.
Lavender fights acne, is a natural pain reliever, and helps with urine flow. It helps with respiratory issues like cough, flu, cold, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, laryngitis, and tonsillitis. Lavender is often used in hair care. It fights lice, and hair loss or baldness. It fights cancer cells as well. Lavender increases blood circulation and digestion. It helps the flow of gastric juices, bile, and helps stop indigestion. It fights stomach pain, colic, flatulence, vomiting, and diarrhea. Looky here. You've got yourself a natural pepto bismol. Lavender is also great for the immune system. It fights against Tuberculosis, typhoids, and diphtheria. It is most often used in general skin care to fight acne, wrinkles, psoriasis, inflammatory conditions, speeds wound healing; like cuts and burns, and helps with eczema.


This oil is fantastic. It does so many things! In my opinion every person should have a stash of this stuff in their home. It is an astringent. It helps the gums, muscles, intestine, skin tissue, blood vessels, abdominal strength, tightens the skin(no wrinkles ;)) and delays aging. It is anti-bacterial/microbial. It fights against all kinds of infections.
It is a vulnerary cicatrisant. It slows the appearance of scars, dark spots on the skin, increases blood circulation, and evenly distributes melanin. It is a hemostatic. That means that it speeds up coagulation in the blood, constricts the blood vessels that aide with wound healing. This oil is a cytophylactic oil. It helps with cell health, cell regeneration, and boosts metabolism. It is a diuretic. It removes toxins by perspiration. That doesn't sound pleasant but hey, toxin removal is a good thing regardless.
My favorite thing about this oil is that is so great for the brain. It is microglial, which means it fights against neural degeneration. It releases properties like Nitric Oxide which combats inflammation in neural pathways that cause diseases like Alzheimer's' and Dementia. It can be used in tonics and teas. It influences the endocrine glands to regulate secretions of hormones, enzymes, acids, and bile. This in turn will boost strength in the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous, and excretory systems. It also adds tone to muscles, and is a natural de-wormer. All around a great oil to have on hand because the variety of things it helps with is vast.


Lemongrass is one of my favorite oils ever! It smells so good and is great for a lot of things. It is an Analgesic oil which means it decreases pain and inflammation. It also relieves muscle or joint pain and stiffness, and soothes tooth or headaches. It is a natural anti-depressant. It is anti-bacterial/microbial. Mainly, in the stomach, urinary, and respiratory systems. It helps cure food poisoning. Now I have had food poisoning before and I really wish I knew that back then. I could have saved myself a lot of grief. It also helps cure skin diseases, body odor, and Malaria. Who would have guesses that? It is an astringent. It constricts the blood vessels and helps with gum disease, stimulates hair follicles, and muscle and skin tissue. It in carminative which means it relieves gas. It is a diuretic, and febrifuge. You'll sweat, but you won't get a fever. It is a natural fungicide/insecticide.
Lemongrass is a galactogogue. What in the heck is that word that is so fun to say? It is what I call the baby oil. It stimulates breast milk production. It is a nervine oil. This sounds like what it is. It helps nervous disorders like shaky hands, nervousness, vertigo, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, convulsions, sluggishness, and lack of reflexes. It is also a natural sedative. Most people make a tea or tonic. This helps the respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems, and regulates the absorption of nutrients in the body while boosting immunity.

Tea Tree

Most of you are familiar with this oil as it is rather common. It is antibacterial. It fights against infections in the digestive, stomach, and excretory systems. It also fights tuberculosis. It is Balsamic, which means it is just great for overall general health. It is a cicatrisant. As you probably well know, it is an excellent fighter against wounds and decreases scar tissue formation. It is anti-microbial, which means it fights against severe fevers like Malaria. This oil is also referred to as Melaleuca. It fights age spots as well. It is anti-viral and prevents things like cysts. It cures the cold, flu, mumps, measles, and pox. Now remember if one of these diseases happens, I'm not saying rub some tea tree on it and you will be fine. No you need anti-biotics. I am saying it will help. It is used in hair care. It helps prevent dandruff, and hair loss. It is a natural insecticide and fights off bugs like mosquitoes(hence the Malaria), fleas, lice, flies, and ticks.
Tea tree is also a stimulant. It stimulates hormone secretion, blood circulation, and the immune system. Tea tree is a sudoritic. This means it increases sweat production to reduce toxins. It removes excess water and salt from the body and cleanses the pores which in turn, prevents acne. It also fights ear infections and other skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It is also a fungicide which fights athlete's foot and dermatitis.
Basically, if you have any kind of bacterial infection, Tea Tree is your oil.


Grapefruit is disgusting as a food. Yuck I have always hated it, but I love the oil. It is a natural antioxidant. It has a ton of Vitamin C. It boosts immunity and fights free radicals. It protects the body from pre mature aging, degeneration of tissues, muscular degeneration, loss of vision and hearing, mental and physical sluggishness, and nervous disorders. It is a natural disinfectant/anti-septic in the digestive, stomach, urinary, and kidney systems. It stimulates the endocrine glands and promotes proper secretion of hormones and enzymes. It increases metabolism, and improves nervous, lymphatic, circulatory, and excretory systems. It be-rids the body of unwanted toxins like cellulite, and blood urea.
Grapefruit is a natural anti-depressant. It helps with appetite loss, and is a diuretic. It also fights against rheumatism and can be made into a tonic to help cure diseases like gout.


Another favorite of the masses. Extremely similar to Tea Tree. Eucalyptus is an anti-septic for wounds, ulcers, burns, cuts any kind of abrasion, sores, bites, or stings. It is used for treating respiratory ailments like the common cold, cough, runny nose, sore throat, asthma, nasal congestion, bronchitis, and sinusitis. It is, as you probably already knew, anti-bacterial/fungal/microbial/viral/inflammatory/decongestant. That's why they say you can put it directly onto your cuts and such.
Eucalyptus is also used widely to cure mental exhaustion and stress. It helps with muscle pain, rheumatism, lumbago, sprained ligaments/tendons, stiff muscles/joints, fibrosis, and nerve pain. Folks with fibromyalgia can greatly benefit from this oil. Unless they're allergic. That would be unfortunate. There are several oils that when paired together relieve fibromyalgia pain. We will get into those in a few minutes.
Eucalyptus can be used for dental treatments. It is good for fevers, lice, intestinal germs, skin care(as we previously discussed) and diabetes by controlling blood sugar.


This is an oil not so common, but I'm sure you've heard of it. It is anti-microbial/viral. It treats ailments like fever, food poisoning, cough and cold, mumps, measles, pox, and a variety of wounds. It is an astringent. As we have discussed with previous oils, that means it strengthens gums, muscles, intestines, hair follicles, and contracts the blood vessels which helps with blood circulation and decreases blood pressure. This oil stimulates neural pathways. People in the middle east have been using this oil for centuries to open their minds to new ideas and perspectives. It helps with blood circulation, digestion, secretions, nerves excretion, the pumping of the heart, bile secretion, and mental alertness/activeness. It is a carminative which means natural gas relief and helps stomach ailments.
Myrrh is an anti-catarrhal which means is relieves excess mucous. It increases sweat production to rid the body of toxins. It is an anti-posmodic oil which means it fights against contractions, spasms, cramps, aches, and muscle pain. It is vulnerary, anti-septic, immune booster.


This is an expensive oil. It takes a lot of money to make small bottles of this stuff, but it is worth it. It does all kinds of things we have previously talked about in other oils. It is anti-posmodic, anti-coagulant, hypoallergenic, anti-hematic, anti-phlogistic(reduces inflammation and fever), and anti-tussive.it is a nervine, a febrifuge(combats fever), and cicatrisant which again means it fights acne, and heals wounds.
Helichrysum is also and expectorant mucolytic. This means it thins mucous and prevents the body from producing too much. In other words, no phlem. It is a cholagogue. This means it helps discharge bile to the stomach and neutralizes over production of stomach acid. It is also anti-septic/microbial. This oil is emollient which means it absorbs into the skin quickly. This oil is splenic, which means it helps to recycle red blood cells, and fight anemia.


Another one of my favorite oils. This is what I refer to as "The lady oil". I kind of find it a tad funny. This oil is an anti-depressant, anti-septic, and is also considered an aphrodisiac. Probably because it smells so damn good. It is a cicatrisant, which again means it heals scar tissue from things like acne and other surface wounds. It is an expectorant. That means it relieves things like the cough and also helps with snoring. I use this on my husband or he'll snore like a buzz saw. I'll take mild snoring over that any day.
Jasmine helps battle dry, brittle, dehydrated skin. It is an anti-posmodic oil, which again means it fights against contractions, and spasms. It is an emmenagogue. That's a great word ain't it? It means that it helps regulate mensus. We could all use a little of that, right? It is also a galactogogue oil. We talked about this previously. It means it stimulates breast milk production. It is a porturient. That means it reduces labor pains, post c-section pain, and combats post partum depression. It is a uterine sedative. That means it tones the uterus while protecting it from tumors after menopause by restricting the flow of estrogen.
See? Doesn't it earn its nickname? I think so.


I love Juniper. I put this oil in almost all of my skin care products. This oil is an anti-septic specifically to tetnus. It is anti-rhematic. It increases blood circulation, and removes toxins like uric acid. Uric acid is what causes things like rheumatism, arthritis, gout, kenal calculi, and it relieves swelling. It is anti-posmodic and is an astringent. It can cure tooth aches, hair loss, and strengthen gums. It is also a gas relief. It is depurative, meaning it helps clean the blood of toxins. It is also a diuretic. It is a rubefacient oil. This means that your face will get all red due to increased blood circulation. It is also a sudorific oil. That again means it's a sweat machine. It eliminates toxins through perspiration and opening pores and sebum glands. It is a stimulant. It too is an emenogogue and galactogogue. It is a diuretic.
Juniper can help overcome fatigue, dizzyness, and depression. It can increase brain activity by stimulating the neurons and nervous system. It also stimulates the endo/exocrine glands, sebum, sweat, tears, urine, mensus, and digestion. This oil also helps cure stomach ailments like ulcers, and encourages proper bile flow, and gastric juice/acid flow.

Now that we've gotten most of the terminology out of the way. We are just going to breeze through the rest of the oils.


This oil is expensive and hard to get a hold of. There are a few different kinds. This oil is an anti-septic/inflammatory/posmodic. It is an astringent. and a cicatrisant. It is carminative, a natural diuretic, disinfectant that is super emollient. It is an expectorant and a hypo-tensive oil. It is also a memory booster.


This oil boosts immunity. It is also good for oral health. Things like Halitosis(bad breath), tooth aches, cavities, and mouth sores. This oil is astringent, emenagogue, carmiative, cicatrisant. It helps with all things digestive. It has used in tonics and of course is excellent for the skin. A lot of people claim it is the best oil for your skin. I don't necessarily agree because the best oil for your skin would do everything for it. That is not the case with this oil. While I do agree it is fantastic, I wouldn't claim it is the best. This oil is anti-aging, diuretic, and helps with respiratory issues. I like to diffuse this one personally because it also helps ease depression, anxiety, and stress. This oil also aids with regulating estrogen and fights against uterine cancer.


Ah, another favorite of mine. Probably at the top of my list. It smells so damn good! I can smell this oil all day long. I diffuse this oil a lot because it is a natural anti-depressant. It is a stimulant, natural anti-biotic, disinfectant, and analgesic. That means it lessens the sensitivity of the nerves to ease pain and is a natural relaxant/sedative. It helps digeston, and is a natural deodorant. As I was saying earlier, it smells amazing. It is a fever reducer, anti-posmodic, and anti-septic.


This oil is a natural anti-depressant, stimulant, analgesic, anti-posmodic, anti-rheumatic/arthritic. It is an astringent. People put this in tonics to detoxify their bodies. It is is best in tonic because it is a depurative, germicide, and diuretic. Perfect if you're trying to detoxify.


This oil is an anti-seborrheaic. This means that is mainly used to treat eczema. Eczema is a malfunction of the sebaceous glands that cause infection in epidermal cells. It reduces redness, and inflammation in this specific condition. That being said it is anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-posmodic. It stimulates metabolism and is an astringent, diuretic insecticide/fungicide, sedative, and is an emmenagogue.


This oil is an astringent. It help strengthen gums, skin cells, hair follicles, and it ehlps stop excessive blood flow by contracting the blood vessels. It is a used in respiratory tonics and eliminates cough, and excessive mucous production. It is sudorific. Another sweat machine. It removes toxins through the sweat like excess salt, water, and cleans the pores. So again, fights acne. It is a natural deodorant. This oil is hepatic, meaning it regulates liver bile excretion. It is a sedative and relieves nerve pain(another good one for fibromyalgia), stress, and anxiety. It is also a vasoconstrictor.


This oil is expensive. It costs hundreds of dollars to distill 2000 pounds of rose petals. This means that for only a 5 ml bottle of rose oil, you'll spend at least $80. That is if you get the good stuff. It will not cost that much if you go with a cheaper brand. With distilleries like Young Living and Dottera, you will pay closer to that. So this oil is amazing for the skin as well. Obviously it smells good. It is an anti-depressant, and Aphrodisiac. It is a fever reducer and anti-viral. It helps with ailments like typhoid, diarrhea, cholera, and food poisoning. It heals scars caused by boils, acne, and pox. It purifys the blood by removing and neutralizing toxins that aren't supposed to be there. It is hemostatic, hepatic, and is a natural laxative. It helps relieve nerve pain, aids with stomach issues,and it is a cholagogue. That means that it aides with the flow of bile from the liver to gall bladder. It regulates the acid levels in the stomach which aides digestion and aides with uterine issues.

Ylang Ylang

This oil is an anti-septic, aphrodisiac. It aides with nerve problems and decreases blood pressure. It is also a sedative.
Not much to that oil. It is great for the skin too.

I chose these oils because they are very specific to the systems in the body. As I said in my introduction, humans have been using these and many other oils to aid their health. There is nothing wrong with finding a natural way to take care of yourself. It is much better than pumping pharmaceutical drugs into your body. That is not to say that you may or may not need those anti-biotics. Technology and medicine have come a very very long way over the last century. We are lucky. Oils by themselves while helpful, may not be enough for some ailments.
Please give me some feedback. What do you think? Do you have more information about these oils? I would love to hear your input.
That's all I've got for now.

Ta Ta for now

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