BREAKING: SKINCOIN the next big cryptocurrency

in skincoin •  7 years ago 

What if I let you in on a big secret, that has the potential to make you a fair bit of money... Do you love playing video games? Is gambling on tournaments your thing? Do you love getting new in-game skins for your characters when there is a tournament or special event? Does it tend to be a bit of a hassle purchasing in-game content ? Maybe you love anything to do with cryptocurrencies? Well, I think taking a dive into Skincoin (SKIN) is the answer to all of those questions.

Skincoin (SKIN) - is a decentralised cryptocurrency for placing bets, sending and receiving payments for in-game skins currently for Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Dota 2, and Team Fortress 2. Skincoin tokens (SKIN) will be released based on the Ethereum blockchain platform and will be used for trading with fame sites, buying and selling skins, placing bets on betting platforms across the internet.

Amazing I say! Finally a cryptocurrency coin that is used for gaming. Gaming was the first thing that got me interested in computing. My inner geek was dying to be unleashed and gaming was the key to opening that glorious can of worms. As a young kid I always wondered how my computer was processing images onto my monitor, how my computer  was being controlled by my keyboard inputs and mouse movements, or how I could communicate with others just by hooking my computer up to the land line (Oh dial-up internet.. how I do not miss you). After I did my time as a student through primary and secondary school and learnt the very basics of mathematics, physics, and computing; I decided to further my education by studying Computer Science at university. A good few years later I now find myself as an experience software engineer and mediocre gamer haha. 

The cryptocurrency domain is not about making money even though it can, it's about enabling everyone. Which is why I'm sharing all this information with you. If a cryptocurrency project is good enough to solve a real life problem or add positive value to the existing system, then there is nothing that can stop it from achieving a successful ICO campaign. Which is exactly what has been been proven by Skincoin, which is a global cryptocurrency platform for the online gaming industry.

Skincoin (SKIN) announced its initial coin offering (ICO) and went live on the 21st June 2017. As a result it raised over 100,000 Ether despite the Ethereum platforms flash crash which happened on Wednesday (read one of my earlier posts for more information about it). If that didn't impress you then maybe this will, Skincoin’s minimum goal for the fundraising was placed at only 5000 Ether, they achieved that 20 times over! The Ethereum network came under heavy stress afterward surge in the number of ICOs on Ethereum blockchain. Combining the events of this ICO, business-as-usual Ethereum network transactions, and application transaction all led to very serious network congestion which in turn caused the community to face the same problems faced by the one and only, Bitcoin (BTC).

Why is all this relevant you might ask? Well, it's extremely relevant because under normal circumstances a new coin ICO with far less attractive qualities would have buckled very quickly. Therefore this actually proves Skincoin’s demand under a true free market as a pioneering currency within the online gaming industry. The game skins market itself is reported to be worth at least $5 billion last year (2016) with well over 3 million people.

Now the apart from the fact that I love games, if Skincoin were to expand their market in the future and to use it for consoles, PC, Mac OSX, and mobile games; they could take a large cut of the whopping $80 billion of the video gaming industry as a whole annually world wide! That doesn't include the gambling industry as a whole, if Skincoin were to expand their market in the gambling industry alone would amount to a mind boggling $350 billion annually! So hey, if you are doing this for the money and the business potential, then I would say you’ve struck gold.

Thanks for reading!

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The Dajboz


BTC: 19YAzVseMr4iTiZ9SN5Yqk6RM4Z4VeGcD8

ETH: 0xd01319806efce5677b9474e0d7aa2af162e69211

LTC: LdceaB9BBnvj5cztsj3oVD9XLncuDw7CH7

DASH: XsUXy6BAJJKwb7HLhu6aTpydLqBZ7774C4

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Very interesting - Looking forward to hearing more about it in the future :)

Thank you ! If you love your Cryptocurrencies - hold tight, I am about to post something that is going to impact all of us!!

Good ideas here, gaming is special after all so we could use a special cryptocurrency!

Exactly my thoughts buddy!

Good post!
And follow you ★

Thank you !

Hello @the.dajboz. Far from sold out! less than 10% sold. website now states
58 805 494 tokens sold...

Exciting isn't it !

Sure is man, lets see what happens.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment