What if we all would care for earth and life on earth (...) like it is our home and a dear place to us ?
I am a person who is skizofrenic, I am born skizofrenic I have been living with quite a bit of chaos and disorder for a very long time. A messy life ! A chaotic home with a chaotic/messy living and lifestyle.
If we understand skizofrenia we know that it is with a very chaotic inside of mind.
I have had a very chaotic inside. Some time it can still be quite messy.
I am skizofrenic. It is a messy disorder. One thing I have learned during the last 2 years or so, is to become more organized. To structure and arrange my every day, and my living. From a day to day experience this could have massive impact. Like to start the day after waking up, with making the bed look nice. It could seam unimportant and silly perhaps, like why make the bed ? What is the point of it ? If you do it - you will see the point. It feels good. It takes 2 and a half minute, and extremely little effort. You did that making of bed - and every time you are in that room, you can relate and think "I made my bed". One small achievement. If we play this forward and into further practice we can do small things for self and others to become more and better organized. To gain more structure. This leads to overview, clarity, focus, calmness, stability and ease. More so, it assists self to become more stable, so without so within. Real health ! Gain self trust and self integrity. Wops what did we start here ? A evoloution of making ones bed ? Could it be that simple ? I tell you from my hearth and experience: yes (!) change starts with self, everyday, baby steps towards a greater goal. Can you imagine the consequences and effect if we all would start to really care about life ? In the everyday moments ?
Very, very many growing nice qualities from this snowball, would you not say ? From a simple doing of oneness bed.....play that forward, and be the change. Share how you did it in a blog or a vlog, to assist others. Change your game.
I am a person with skizofrenia and I have the world to gain with becoming more organized and structured. How about you, do you make your bed ? What are the things you find challenging ? Share your process with the world. It starts in the small everyday achievements. Consistent walking makes real progress in life - I am living proof !
Let's make the best (!) common sense.
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