Lĩnh vực giao thông vận tải và sự phát triển của các phương pháp di chuyển sáng tạo đã được bắt đầu bởi người tạo ra SkyWay Anatoli Unitsky hơn 40 năm trước.
Investment in SkyWay
Register link: https://new.skyway.capital/auth/login?do=register&partner_id=319539
Fantastic seem the statements of the presenters that soon it may take you just 22 minutes to get from Hong Kong to Singapore, and half an hour – from New York to Paris. However, the world is already testing such types of transport that change the rules of the game in the transportation sector, and the development of innovative methods of travel was started by the creator of SkyWay Anatoli Unitsky more than 40 years ago!
Train of the Future
Investment in SkyWay
Register link: https://new.skyway.capital/auth/login?do=register&partner_id=319539
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