Is referring to famous composers with their surnames a problem?

in slate •  4 years ago

We can never reach peak wokeness. There will always be new levels to reach, created by the column-inchers. There is a ratchet effect at work. As the general public catches up, the only way to be assured of your own superior wokeness, your own moral superiority to the masses - which definitionally are morally inferior asses - is to take another step forward. However ridiculous the new claim (Sorry, Beyonce, Shakira, Hendrix, your single-naming is hereby canceled) , incantation of the proper moralistic cant suffices to bestow legitimacy in the like-minded.

It’s not just classical musicians though. We often refer to Picasso, Van Gogh, or Rembrandt without using their first names. Or Shakespeare, Chaucer, or Machiavelli. Or Copernicus or Kepler.

Why is referring to renowned composers by their surnames problematic and should be changed, when that’s such a common practice for renowned and significant individuals in so many historical professions?

I would add that the real problem is that some deserving composers aren't as well known as others. "Fullnaming" won't change that a bit. Adding Ludwig van to Beethoven is not going to improve the name recognition of Dede. This is cheap symbolism by which the author makes a pretense of trying to solve a problem.

We will wake up from this madness one day. This, too, shall pass. Until then, the sane must strive to retain their sanity against these assaults on reason. A sense of humor, as always, is an indispensable shield.

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