For the love of Sloth. How is that cute coin doing anyway?

in sloth •  8 years ago  (edited)

There are many coins out there, each running on their own blockchain, siblings of the one allmighty, codenamed 2k9. (Okay, I mean BitCoin, allright.) Now let's get back to the cutest one of them all: Slothcoin. Originally created somewhere in 2014 by a developer that is known by the name of Thimod. And when this dev moved on to other projects, some 'geek'(ahum) and the community wanted to burst new life into this little one. Thus Slothcoin version 1.3.1 came into excistence. Build to last, well at least until early 2021. It's credo does fit well: "All good things take time!" Just ask the Sloth.

The little Sloth featuring the last version of Slothcoin, is called Sluke. It is based on the Pygmy Sloth Bradypus Pygmaeus, which can be found in a country like Panama. A great post about the three different kinds of Sloth in Panama was recently published by @hilarski. (Allready have reblogged this item.) Young Sluke has been teached the fork by master Sloda. Hm, sounds somehow familiair, it's on the tip of my tongue. Anyway, master Sloda, representing the previous version of Slothcoin, is going on about using the Fork and may the Sloth be with you. It's like that movie, what was it's name again, or will this get me into trouble? This was used to promote the new version and to let the Slothcoin community know that they needed to get to version 1.3.1 build 3 before block 300K.

Sloth it goes, all the way towards 2021

Currently 'we' are at block 459636, at moment of writing. And there are still a lot of blocks, about 800.000, left before mining is over. It uses the same algorythm as Maxcoin, first known as Keccak, that became SHA3. And if you want to know more then you may go to the home of Slothcoin: Slick dot CF {Crypto Fiat}. The reward per block found is 4321 SLOTH by the way. It is not the most expensive coin you can find but it can be traded for LiteCoin, and others, at Cryptopia dot CO dot NZ. And recently there was a new Slothcoin Faucet added at CryptoGuru dot TK. Giving away 100 SLOTH every 12 hours. Also there is a pool to mine, that is hosted at Wmikrut dot com. So our little Sluke is going steady all the way into the next year.

Now, I don't "C" that well, that's why I wear contactlenses, and when I'm tired a pair of glasses. Seriously though, I'm more of a geek than a nerd, and it was one of those things to do that was on my bucketlist. And I still run my Slothcoin wallet now and then. If it gets stuck on a high difficulty, for instance, after some miners stopped, I start mining to pull it back to a lower diff and then let others have fun with it again. The reason I got into Slothcoin specificly was because I thought it was a lovely coin and I wanted to do some marketing things for it too. Liked the 'odd one out' kind of thing, keccak algo not widely supported. And then I noticed that there was nobody taking care of the little one anymore. So before I knew it, I was having a good time together with other Slothcoin fans.

No high stakes, big risks and what not, just the cute Sloth in a coin

As long as there are connections and somebody mines, the Sloth will go on the way it is. Sometimes it can even be mined from the build in miner in the wallet itself, allthough at the time of writing that might be a bit to steep. Getting the complete blockchain in can be done in a jiffy, well relatively speaking. It will still fit on half a CD-ROM, about 350 MegaByte. Don't expect big bucks by getting into Slothcoin, not even a risk, almost none, so that's another upside. But if you want to try a pure blockchain coin that goes Sloth all the way, then why not give a go? Hahaha, that almost sounds like I'm trying to sell you something, right? Seriously, it is a coin that is still easy to join in, even mine some and do ultra small cash trading. Or do just like me, and keep some just for fun.

Don't know what the future, on the longer term for Slothcoin will be. Maybe there will be some changes, maybe... Well, Torum will get it's own Ardor(aka NXT2.0) Sidechain in 2017, so who knows what lays ahead for the littly Pygme Sloth that could. Maybe something in Graphene?

In the meanwhile: May the Sloth be with you and remember to use the fork!

Have a good one.

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Ha I totally forgot about slothcoin, I got a few million early on but have nfi what happened to them ..

Well, it is still very easy to mine, so you'll be back being a Sloth millionair in a jiffy! ;-)

looks promising

It is almost a classic. Still going steady as it goes.