This one was a spur of the moment piece I thought up while looking at the different cryptocurrency logo's in Junik Studios collection
Here's the link to the collectible on superrare
It's pretty simple in terms of idea : I saw the Lanacoin logo and decided to try and do something around it.
I also discovered that the Lanacoin logo comes from a cryptocurrency that was launched in 2016 by Lana's father as a tribute to his 10 year old daugther (people do the strangest things... but then again we're human, so I guess "strange" is pretty much normal for us ;) ).
Pretty strange reason to create a cryptocurrency, especially since no one seems to have believed him at the time but hey, if it was just a story to get people interested and it worked, good for him.
He created a good logo at least !

1. Generating some Generative Art with Weavesilk
I hit pretty fast on the piece I liked, using a combination of 1-point symmetry and 4 point symmetry, as well as a liberal use of the mirroring function:
2. Experimenting with GIMP
I decided, before trying to integrate the LanaCoin logo, to check if there was any interesting effects I could apply.
I created two versions of the artwork. one without the Lanacoin logo but with the Cubism effect applied:
And one with just the Lanacoin logo integrated as a superposed layer:
3. Deep Style experiments on DeepDreamGenerator
First, I experimented with the Cubism version :
I didn't quite like the results, so I switched to the other version:
The second image immediately clicked with me :
So I reran it with the HD option:
Then went into GIMP again to apply the Canvas effect:
And that's how I created my newest crypto-collectible artwork !
I hope you found my creation-process interesting :)
Now go use some of that Ether ;)
All image rights belong to their respective owners, in this case the Lanacoin logo comes from the free Cryptocurrency logo collection made by Junik Studios
I release all my images under CC-BY 4.0: