What Does Slothicorn Mean To You? Call for Collaborators To Help Build Our New AR Game

in slothicorn •  7 years ago  (edited)


Remixed art by @yusaymon from this post: https://steemit.com/slothicorn/@yusaymon/art-explosion-20-slothicorn-is-you-and-slothicorn-is-me-slothicorn-is-the-everything
Slothicorn official avatar created by @fluffywiggle, owner of kawaii crypto store full of cute crypto critters.

What does Slothicorn mean to you?

We are building an AR Game called Welcome To Slothicorn and we need you to help us create the first level. If this is the first time you’ve heard about the game we’re building, please read this post which gives you an overview.

The game we are building is called Welcome To Slothicorn.

The purpose of this game is to create a welcoming feeling for creative people who first enter into the cryptocurrency space. The slow but magical slothicorn leads people and provides noobs with a feeling of ease as they enter the strange new decentralized world of crypto.

The portals to this game will be slothicorns in the real world (people can put the QR code in videos, on slothicorn sculptures, in digital artwork, etc. It’s open to all kinds of art forms besides sculptures). We still need more artists to create their own portals (I’ll make a post about how to do this soon). Here’s the QR code that takes people to the slothicorn.com website:


The ultimate purpose of this game to teach creatives how to turn their creative energy into crypto coins using the tools in Steem, and other crypto spaces as well. The game will hopefully turn a semi-confusing experience of entering crypto, into one that is fun as well as magical.

art by @overkillcoin

@justatouchfey and @rubenalexander and others are speeding along, creating the beginnings of the game, and we’re currently creating the first level. Our project is open source, on GitHub, and our website is being built as the game advances. @rubenalexander provided the countdown ticker, and as soon as we make it https, secure ’s’, we will unleash the website.

That’s where you come in.

@justatouchfey had requested that we ask the community what Slothicorn feels like. This will enable her to create the environment and the feel of the first level. So, in the comments below, describe what your thoughts are so far about the idea of a creative commons crypto art community that rewards creators in STEEM.

Questions to ask yourself:

Does the idea of Slothicorn inspire you? If so, why?

Do you think Slothicorn and other digital tribes can usher in a new paradigm where people can be rewarded for their artistic works that are shared resources?

Do you think sharing art resources has benefits that far outweigh other models, like individual copyrights?

Do you think our future will be a tokenized, merit-based shared economy?

So, please add your voice and comments below. The above questions are just here to create a prompt for your comments.

If you missed the announcement, or haven’t heard who is working on this Welcome To Slothicorn AR Game, the following people are involved: @justatouchfey is the director of this game, and is making a lot of the decisions regarding the overall flow of it.

@rubenalexander: Game dev of a Slothicorn portal, Game Shop and Drop RPG
@alexandravart: artist working on Slothicorn portal
@venalbe: Creating flow of activities, streamlining production of game
@stellabelle: Chief Unicorn Officer, providing SP, creating portal, communication and resources
(add your name here….I am sure I have missed some people)

If you’d like to get involved in any capacity, join our Discord channel. There’s a lot going on in there. And also there is now a few dedicated Steem accounts for general Creative Commons art:

In our Discord channel, there’s a channel dedicated to general Creative Commons resources. In addition to that, there’s an “ART REQUEST” channel where people who are looking to hire/collaborate with creative talent can submit their projects. So, starving artists now have a ‘go to’ place to find creative gigs inside our Discord channel.

Also a shoutout to a game developer who is creating a game for the EOS platform right now. You can find the latest info about that here: https://steemit.com/sfeos/@sfeos/sfeos-game-design-part-3-breaking-down-the-core-game-loop

If Crypto Kitties taught us one thing it is this: games make things go viral. Special thanks to @inquiringtimes who keeps everything organized in Discord! I am not sure what it would be like without him.

Official Slothicorn Links

GitHub: https://github.com/aslothicorn/welcometoslothicorn
Discord: https://discord.gg/jJaMSYR
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@slothicorn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamslothicorn

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To me the Slothicorn means it's ok to be weird

this is a fantastic answer!

Today, I feel like slothicorn is what it would feel like if I logged into a game instead of reality when I woke up.

I wish you could see how big I smiled when you wrote Chief UNICORN Officer. I love Slothicorn!

Slothicorn to me unlocks the magic and wonder adults assume they would not get to savor as they got older. It is the splendid activities that makes the doer forget about time.

Slothicorn is a magickal world where unicorns and sloths unite, morphing into a mythical pizza, infused with the properties of pi and phi. Creations of light, wonderously free to be shared around the world. Bringing people everywhere crypto-treasures and delight!

Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. What a fun, magical and creative idea @slothicorn! Steem on :D

Thank you for the shout out @slothicorn! It will be amazing working together on games and projects in the future. Great community and passion.

Hello @stellabelle

For me slothicorn is a great example how I wanna see Steemit - not just as platform, but as a community which is creative and builds something together; something with value

I totally love the idea of slothicorn and that it is CC; that artists get attention and the possibility to be creative.

As I discussed with you, I plan to start the Shirt-shop, but as a subproject of CHAINTRIBE, which will be a social beneficial project. In the last days I did a lot of work for the project and hope that I can realize it with the community together. I will start posting all the relevant infos under @chaintribe soon.

In terms of the shirt-shop I already wrote with Alexandra and it seems, that we will join forces. I am very excited about it, because I think she fits perfect for this project. I am open for suggestions for this project, but my intention would be to give the earnings to trainee artists for tuitions or courses and so on... (I will have to exclude myself unfortunately, but that is ok... I always wished to have one, who supports me, but I also would be happy, when the project can do this for other young artists)

Of course I am open for suggestions and ideas, but the maingoal for me, will be to create something charitable, which helps other people.

It will need more preparation, but I am pretty convinced, that we will start this. The first step will be to build the legal frame for Chaintribe.

That's what I plan for slothicorn and I am looking forward to write you more details about it soon and to get your feedback.

In the meantime: Keep on steemin' and much love,


Sounds very promising. Good to hear your plans for this are moving forward.

I have taken some time to look into this project. I have some gifted friends when it comes to art, and would love to get them involved in crypto. And now your adding gamification. awesome. really exciting

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

A new breath that makes me feel the ecstasy of turning my distinctive ideas to an art that delights others. A fascinating world for eyes and minds in every sense of the word. All that distinguishes it is the original vision that can be constantly developed and redirected to other magical projects.the place where we can share what is in our minds and this is the most positive thing .Thank you for your hard works i really appreciate its

very interesting, I want to collaborate ...
to me the idea of slothicorn in general seems like a great tool to get to know us better ...

first because sharing is a community and from a community learning is natural .. it is not forced ..

and I think it's very good to create something from steemit but to collect all the artistic work and if it offers the possibility of doing it under CC then much better ..

Creating an artistic community within Steemit is a great idea ..

about the game I will find out better .. I will read because I want to collaborate :)
Thank you

I love both sloths and unicorns, and am super intrigued by this game. Would love to make art for it. I'm seeing a lot of games start to reward creators for contributing, and glad to see your game is also doing that. Also like the idea of the art being a shared resource; it makes a lot of sense for a project that's community generated.

great ideas

I've really gotta get involved in this, ah. I'm at least in the discord!

Living for that gif at the end, mainly the pregnant monkey in the uterus of that bear.

gaming is my best passion..thanks a lot for discuss about gaming..carry on my friend..


the magical world concept and the leading on of newbies into the crypto space where things are decentralized and a feeling of being guided by people of like minds makes a whole lot of sense.........and the best part is all of this coming together in one gaming console....awesome

Wow! This is my first time of hearing about slothicorn.that's a marvelous initiative with good intention.i want to join this amazing community ,how do i go about it?. I can't wait to be a member of this group that will fortifield my creativity.thanks for sharing.

if you want to interact with other slothy's you go to the Discord channel. All links are listed above. Thanks for your enthusiasm.

Hey, this is a wonderful post about Slothicorn
Great bro...Thanks for this awesome post...Thank you So Much


I am not a gamer, but I really like the idea of gamers being able to contribute to it’s creation. One thing which could be a lot of fun is to somehow allow users to include their own photos as part of the game. For example, photos of places, or monuments or objects. Not sure how that would fit with slothicorn?

It is a great idea to include the learning aspect -e.g. about different crypto coins. Maybe some kind of trading exchange could be included in the game so players can swap coins for each other or other digital game assets.,

I am a sloth and I approve this message.

Seriously though, this does appeal to me. I really have had a difficult time trying to find any sort of 'intro to crypto' that this game represents. Far too often I have noticed that there is a certain level of 'you should know this' attitude towards those learning about crypto. Additionally, due to the huge and fast-moving innovations of crypto it makes sense that there should at least be a foundational sort of text.

I am going to keep following this as I am personally interested in seeing how this all plays out. Also curious to see how new elements of crypto will be incorporated into the game.

In short, good work on something that there has been a serious need for.

On a side note, I am a happy sloth to see that you have treated my favorite animal with such care and compassion.

Love:Slothicorn Amazing!! ^ ^

A bit late here but heres my reply:

Slothicorn has felt to me like a bit of a frenzy but with a lot of soft and comfy spots.. artists are shooting rainbows and ideas everywhere... maybe sometimes they meet and make magic and maybe sometimes they fight because they are so full of ideas and passion but slothy is just chilling and watching it so we can come back to slothycorns wisdom. I really wnt to share with you all my ideas about slothicorn lingo.....