Diabetes is a disease that causes high blood sugar levels in more than 30 million Americans.
Insulin, a hormone that aids in the control of blood sugar levels, is produced by your body on a regular basis.
Your body can't make enough insulin, or it can't effectively use the insulin it does produce, if you're diagnosed with diabetes. There is a rise in blood sugar, which can cause damage to nerves, eyes and other organs when it reaches dangerous levels.
If diabetes is not managed properly, it can lead to serious health issues.
In the long run, diabetes can cause major health issues if blood sugar levels are not kept under control. Heart disease, stroke, renal disease, eye disease, dental disease, nerve damage, and foot difficulties are just a few of the conditions that might affect you.
Health issues, as well as age, weight, color and ethnicity, and other factors, might have an impact on your life.
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