Is SMARTCASH challenging MASTERCARD in their last video?

in smartcash •  7 years ago 

Oh YES they are!

I have been in crypto for only two years and in these two years, NO OTHER COIN OR TOKEN has come up wit the technology that SMARTCASH came up with.
They already have a POS (Poin Of Sale) solution software that businesses around the world can download so they can accept SmartCash. You can ALREADY print your own SMARTCARD and go pay with it. You can send SmartCash through email and text, and best of all, the SMARTCASH BLOCKCHAIN is backed and secured by almost 20,000.00 SMARTNODES around the world.
It is actually a positive thing that we don’t see SmartCash at Binance, Bittrex or Poloniex. This only shows how young this Cryptocurrency is, and makes its current technology and the team behind it worth the recognition.
No one knows where all this crypto-movement is going but I’m sure that, whatever it goes, SmartCash will be there 😊

Think outside bitcoin 😎

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

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Thank you so much. I’ll UpVote your comment since I can’t UpVote your posts (because you have any) 😊

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Outlook good

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Yes boss it's informative.

Thanks to your video understand us advantage of smart card.

Your video best example. why use smart card? resteem follow & upvote you.

MasterCard isn't accepted every where. go with smart card ❤❤

Nice and very informative post you posted dear...

Upvoted dear

Apoyándote cada día amiga por tu buen contenido y por mantenernos al día en sobre el mundo Crypto u todo lo relacionado.

Buen video!

muy bueno melip y siempre dándote las gracias por el apoyo

muy bueno melip que nos tengas informados a cerca de las crypto y gracias por el apoyo

Definitely they are looking to go beyond that haha :D

Amiga como estas? como decimos en Venezuela esto va pa lante!