RE: SmartCash Leaks - Episode 1 - TipBots Down

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SmartCash Leaks - Episode 1 - TipBots Down

in smartcash •  6 years ago 

Bro, based on your proposals it seems that YOU want to CENTRALIZED SmartCash who is slowly becoming decentralized.
For the sound of it, you wanted to make SmartCash to be based on your own idea.
We all appreciate what you did but it Seems to me that even tho you are a very smart person, you were never able to see the big picture.
IT IS INSULTING TO ME AND THE SMARTCASH COMMUNITY for you to even compare this great project to the disgusting BITCONNECT, however, I wish you luck on your new endeavor and I would ask you to please stop bugging our community with your centralized ideas.
Thank you! 😊

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Not sure if you read the post thouroughly or just talking out of your ass?

He wants to truly decentralize the voting process and reduce the power-vaccum that was created after founders paying themselves insane amounts of the currency compared to the circulating supply since the start (and snowball that with cold staking) aswell as receive transparency about how much they are paying themselves.

That seems hell of a lot more decentralized than having total control over which proposals are shown up for voting aswell as having the power to steer any proposal their way since the smartcash in their control is more than the community would manage to get together to vote with (Unless you expect every single holder to vote).

You obviously dont know how the proposal system works, all proposals that follow the guidelines are approved for voting. then the community holders that want to vote, vote. if a proposal is not able to evidence there costing such that it clears due diligence checks and has a clear way of benifiting smartcash. then it would not be approved.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey there. I don’t think you read it if that’s all you got out of it lol..

No point of trying argue with stupid, but I'll try.

"Based on your proposals you want to centralize* smartcash".

Do you even know the meaning of decentralization?

I see his suggestions the right opposite of centralizing. If you think the dividing power, decentralizing the proposal and voting system is something cetralized then I don't know what to say.

A = Centralized B = Decentralized

The issue you fail to see, is your understanding of Centralised vs Decentralised, requires understanding of the things you are classifying into those terms. the meaning of the words is not the issue, its your lack of knowledge of the actual processes and services, you are trying to classify.

If you think centrally decided concepts from a closed chat room of small teams each run by a collective 3 individuals and the rest are literally illegal employees with 0 paperwork is decentralization, you need to start over in your crypto education.

decentralization comes in all levels of the chain, from the way its managed, distributed, maintained and so on. Please stop peddling nonsense and go back to your overpaid job where noone hears from you for 6 months until your paycheck is being harmed. You are welcome for the job btw.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Ok kiddo, have it your way 😘
I’ll be “waiting” for Episode 2 😆😆😆

Just so you know kiddo.

Thanks for your input. Can you please explain which one of my suggestions above are based on centralization of power rather than decentralization?

You know, I few weeks ago I saw someone posting a proposal for the proposals to stop to what someone from the SmartCash team (might’ve been you), respondes that that was against the SmartCash algorithm itself.
There has to be a time and place for things to evolve in the SmartCash ecosystem; the founders have to be there until the project goes 100% Decentralized. It happened to Litecoin, it’s happening to Ethereum, to BitcoinCash, etc.
Smar people like you has very well based ideas in how to speed up this process which is very understandable, but this will create a project based on your own idea. That’s what I mean by a centralized project to your own idea.
Smartcash is going to places because of the Faith that the community placed on it, and won’t stop just because our ideas didn’t get implemented.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You didn't answer my question. And you seem to have problems with both reading and writing in English. I feel like I'm speaking to a bot when I read your comments.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You are right about me having problems speaking, reading, and writing English, but I don’t have problems reading people.

“Pride is the first step toward destruction. Proud thoughts will lead you to defeat.”
It seems that you want to do the right thing brother, but your intentions against SmartCash and its community are pure evil. Don’t let it win.

Allemeister was the one trying to raise a non rule complaint proposal to undo another proposal.

Since when did the community approve these rules that were arbitrarily added post launch with no input from the community? Please show me a link from before I got you hired in the first place since you know so much, i'll wait.

Since when is it against the rules to propose a past proposal be defunded for logical reasons btw? Is Benn all of the sudden some protected give member like you overlords?

^^^ He's got a point.

I just saw this tweet lol.
I had the feeling...

What are you talking about?! Did you read the post or are just here to relay the message from your selfish paymasters?

have you even looked at the hive team page, to know who is a Hive Team member because lasted i looked @melip isnt a payed team member, instead a valued community member that focus's on positive, instead of tearing down, or slinging FUD.

Since when do you decide whos a community member or not?

I will always side with the SmartCash project. Small minded people will never get my attention, you’re lucky I’m replying to your comment 😊

What verbiage made you think he was wanting SC to be centralized? The way I read his write-up, SC control and power is already centralized since only a certain select few own most of the coins and he was not in favor of that.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Is not his verbiage, but his attitude.
People that had been following SC for a while, understand the still centralization of the project; it has to be this way, it has to follow a plan, a road map until is not any more.
The whole idea of his proposal asking to change the route of the project to his own idea means centralization to me, he is basically asking the community to change the already set map for what he considers “fair”.
Personally, I didn’t put my money into the project because I considered it fair, but because they are doing things with it, including paying themselves, what’s wrong with that if they are showing results in the progress of the project.
I’m sorry for this may sound arrogant.
“I dislike people that after they leave a job or get fired, they immediately start trashing their previous employer and find “courage” to say the everything that’s “wrong” in their previous job to “save” their former coworkers”, I considered pure BS and this is why:

Judge for yourself.
Thank you.