India launches Vivo V9 on Friday. It has been priced at Tk 22,900. This phone can be found in Pearl Black, Champagne Gold and Safaiar Blue.
It was officially launched in Mumbai. And its pre-booking started on March 23. However, it will start selling from April 2 next.
As a feature of Vivo V9, the 6.3-inch full HD Plus (1180 x 320 pixels) In-Cell IPS Full View display is provided. Android 8.0 Oryo powered This smartphone runs on OSAT 4.0. At V9, Octa-Core Qualcomm Snapdragon 626 processor has been offered with four Gb Vam.
It has dual camera set up with rear vertical position. There are 16 megapixels and 5 megapixels, two cameras. With the help of Ai technology, this camera photo is being developed to be improved. HDR mode is also provided with it. Its front camera has a 24-megapixel camera. In addition, Portrait Mode, AR Sticker and Face Beauty features have been provided for cell phones.
This phone's internal memory is 64 GB, it can be increased up to 256 GB with the help of card. There is also Micro-USB support for connectivity with MM radio, 4G LTE, dual-band WiFi, Bluetooth v4.2, GPS / A-GPS and USB OTG. Its battery is 3260mAh.
It has a fingerprint sensor. The weight of this smartphone is 150 grams. AR Stickers, Face Unlock and Face Bundy will be preloaded. Karaoke mode is also made, which will improve the music playback experience. In addition to playing games, incoming calls and messages will not have any background noise.