Saturday Smartphone Photography

in smartphonephotogaphy •  6 years ago  (edited)

Sunset catched by smartphone


Be sure to click on the image to view full screen!

SettingsISO 125 3.82 mm f/2.0 1/120 sec
CameraHTC One_M8 Smartphone
LocationBanda Aceh, Indonesia


Colourful Photography Contest by @juliank and @photocontests.

For more info check @photocontests for results.

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Widih. Gokils ya bang kamera htc. 👏

Heei,, Pu haba @fanie27? Lama tak bersua.. :)

Manada da gokils.. hp jaman ni 😵..

Alhamdulillah baik bang. 2 tahun udah gak ketemu ya haha. Bagus bang fotonya, masuk list 'winner* itu. 😀

Iyaa.. Ga terasa!! Masih d Jogja?? Aamiin.. Semoga menang.. :)

Udh sebulan lebih bang dsini. Pas balik kesini langsung tau steemit. Amin. Abg di bna?

Bireun heboh juga steemit ya!! Di Banda ni,, kapan maen ke Banda?

Extraordinary photography I considered it once..... what's more, that is all it at any point was an idea Great photography I thought about it once..... and that's all it ever was a thought.

Thank bro @ovyhossain for ur comment :) it was a great reward for me!

you are the pro dude :)

Thank abg yg kece.. :)

nuansanya dapet :D

Dikawasan mana lokasinya bang

Ule Lheu bg @tehnosia

Nice shot!