Why we don't use our phones as phones anymore: The most interesting thing I've read all week.

in smartphones •  7 years ago  (edited)

This article in the Atlantic, while suuuuper technical and too long.. is FASCINATING, and absolutely worth reading, or at least skimming (what I did). I am very seriously now considering getting a landline again.


Basically, due to the PHYSICAL experience being so different, phoning feels less human and intimate. It's not just that we're lazy and anxiety-ridden. We just instinctively don't like it. The frequencies are off, and the shape of the device also affects our experience. What used to be an intimate experience (don't you remember with nostalgia the phone calls of the past?), is no longer. He makes an argument for why texting and emailing is actually a MORE intimate experience due to the way we are wired.

Totally fascinating.

Xx, Kay


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interesting article, thanks for sharing!
i think alot of us need to be reminded to take a step back and enjoy the presence of others. loneliness is only going to become more apparent in our society if we forget our roots.

I missed those days. Home phone brings all people together and cell phone separates each other from talk.

We used to wait in a queue to talk to the person on the phone, it will take 15 mins atleast.

Now, everyone sitting at dinner table and looking their mobile, no talk at all in dinner table.

We need to go back what we had before. One day the world will celebrate for no electronics day.

yeah.. it's so interesting though! I'm going to buy a landline, I think. I want better phone experiences!

I got a landline. Then got rid of it cause I never used it. Anytime I gave my number out I gave my cell anyways since I wasn't always home.

Landline experience was a 3/10.

lol. Good to hear the other side :). I talk on the phone a lot because I have friends all over the world, but only as planned phone calls, so I was hoping I could make that work! But then I started remembering cost.. I'll just end up FaceTiming or Whatsapping anyway.. saaaaad.

At least after reading the article I feel justified in my avoidance of phone calls! :)

I have a landline and it rarely rings. :(
I totally agree, dinner time conversations should be brought back as well⭐️

haha trend will always change with time.
I have followed you, feel free to follow me back.

True.. but the science is so interesting! xx


Hello @kayclarity! In my opinion Facetiming, texting, skyping, etc with friends and family members is great idea and more intimate. I would not want to be limited to only hearing people that I care for. I use the phone calls for work related purposes. It's true, I would rather use different ways to communicate, simple phone call is the finality.

The article is so interesting--it basically just validates why we all love those other things more than talking now. It's actually rooted in our physiology! So interesting.

Thanks for your comment! xx

i don't know if social media is realy social or "disocial" cause we are all time with our phones and laptops ..behind screens .
i miss those days .

It's true. It's sad. I try to balance it between both! It's hard but VERY important.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

the problem is that it comes some days when you want to be alone, if you turn off your mobile,or just don't responde for every call you got, people can blame you if they call and don't reach you at the end. like if they own your privacy .

Yeah.. yeah.

For me, nothing beats the feeling of intrigue and excitement when you receive a hand-written letter these days :)

Oh.. just so good!

haha that's cute

Fascinating article - read every word. This could explain why text messaging is so much more appealing than garbled up communication over a cell phone. It is particularly bad when both parties are using a cell phone.

I'm thinking about ditching my land line again - I hardly ever use it. It rings almost daily from people wanting to hack into my computer or request donations. I have stopped answering it unless I recognize the number. It is much easier to block those kinds of calls with a cell phone.

I like to donate to those things I believe are important but the phone interruptions during dinner and nap time are getting annoying.

Yeah. I've thought it through and it won't be the right thing for me either.. but it makes me sad!

Nice to have an explanation as to why we've headed in this direction.. and it's not just dysfunction!