RE: New Feature: SmartPoints Beneficiaries

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New Feature: SmartPoints Beneficiaries

in smartsteem •  5 years ago  (edited)


SO may i return to my original handle?


YES THIS IS TLDR. And I APOLOGIZE if some issues I address below were already fixed -- but before I read how much you guys have changed I need to get a few things across that is absolutely necessary.

I literally gave up on Steemit (even though I absolutely LOVED this platform) because a cyber-bully destroyed my entire account/content; found my contact info & started harrassing me/my wifey by calling at 4am, blowing up my phone all hours of the day & using derrogatory/bigoted/racist/inflammatory remarks to rile me up. I"m embarrassed that I let him get to me, but his strategy was quite brilliant: to rile me up so that every time I posted an unhinged comment about it or posted about it, he'd proceed by flagging me & paying mroe than $86,000 worth of steemD over the course of several months to ensure that 1) his inflammatory posts taunting me would incite a response to which I'd recipcroate and he'd proceed by 2) flagging my posts & paying more than I'm willing to to keep them up (especially if they're comments..) but for him keeping it up was all part of his strategy as 3) He'd then delete all incitefull & hateful commentary made on his part so now you're left with me looking UNHINGED and erratic while he's able to claim the moral high ground through social engineering & why did this happen?

ALL because of this post: -- he didn't like it too much when it was listed by yours truly & trending as one of the top 10 posts of the week.

So what was his response? Naturally to continue to bully me off the platform & his exact words were "you're done, you're not allowed on this platform, goodbye...go back to twitter" so when i bring it up to the mods I"m told to make a new account.

Tim Cliff is a wonderful person, he truly was empathetic & understanding; he felt bad he couldn't help and agreed that this situation was messed up so he gave me several new accounts (free of charge) -- not sure how it isn ow, but back then there was a really long waiting linef or new accounts and so people had to wait or pay $$$ to get one and while I tried to start over...most prominently on @crypt0w1zmt -- it was never the same.

I was defeated & disgusted that 650 posts 5000+ hours of useful content was destroyed by a bully/keyborad warrior, all because I had the audacity to call him out for making money (over 2.5 milliond ollars.. .since 2014) off of the sweat & great content of other people using the loopholes discussed in the post. Although there are two sides to every story, and with his amount of steemD he was able to social engeineer the situation to make it seem as if the truth was whatever he wanted it to be -- becoming Thanos or Jeff Zucker lmao. If you need evidence I have substantive proof that he commited a felony many of them and I didnt' give a shit. My number/contact info/address is public because I have nothing to hide & no one to hide from. I'm a developer FFS. You think I can't get a dedicateed IP/VPN/VPS/private cloud & host off my own server/domain & throw a proxy / firewall on top to prevent him from harassing me? No i didn't mind that. What I did mind was the insults at myw ife. That's a line he crossed that I would end up retaliating (yes, i sent him a RAT, but Sun Tzu would be dissapointed as I vaslty underestimated him) as he is much more clever/cunning in his deceptiveness and I was LESS knowledagable about the mechanics of a platform still in beta.

I LITERALLY wrote in the post -- "if you guys don't fix your platform, what's to stops omeone like Zuckerberg from making their own on the blockchain and stomping you out?"

I LITERALLY predicted Libra 8 MONTHS before it was announced. I'm not boasting -- just providing evidence of 2 main things: 1)his wife is also on this platform and the one thing he could NOT social engiener was me harassing his wife BECAUSE i never did.

Thank God my mother raised me better. So all you have to do is look at the images, connect the dots, look at the flagged posts, and see how I've left him and his wife alone while he was using callbots to spam my wife's phone & saying the most hurtful things that I (personally could care less about if he said to me) but made her cry cause she's very sensitive...
that is not a line too far?**

So the questions are.

Do I get an apology?

For the loss of not only my handle, the entire following, the nearly 80 rep which my content rose me to only forh im to destroy twice while he still profited (in cahoots with realwolf and others) off curation. Will you remove thse bad actors? The ones who post no substantive content, have multiple accounts, and continue to do what the hell they want while controlling this platform? Now I haven't read your new guidelines or anything you guys have changed since last spring so you may have made some changes already and if you have I commend youon that...but why did it take so long to happen? Why did I have to be collteral damage? Why did you not heed my warning -- instead ignoring me as some rambling idiot when everything i said panned out? A few months later you guys death spiraled & Steemit fired their entire staff & cleaned house.

That could've been avoided if you just read my post & listened to any of the dozen requets for support I made..most importantly, whose going to reimburse me for punitive damages?

I can't exactly litigate.... You have any idea how much time/money he cost me? Not by spending my own to flag fact I don't think I've ever flagged or downvoted a post..EVER.

But the Steemit I had saved, the steemit I had delegated, & most importantly -- the STEEMD i was gathering; which ironically & (thanks Murphy's law) was finally starting to pick up steem (no pun intended) for the payouts went from being pennies to dollars and every 3 days making 20-30$ in curationr ewards off VALUED content I spent hours researching/promoting/investing back into a platform that again...he paid $85,000 worth of steemD to destroy. Will Justn Sun issue an apology and promise a new direction & reimbursement for my losses? Look. I doubt that will happen. Any of it. But I do want to return to my orignal handle.



This is my stemit handle and the handle I use for ALL platforms....stopped posting shortly after on @crypt0w1zmt and "went to twitter" as the bully forced me to. I overplayed my hand, and my contingency was that the community and the mods/devs would have had my back. I was let down. I was disugted. I never got so much as an apology tot his day...except for Tim. God bless his soul. (if you somehow get across this Tim, I hope all is well, and I hope you enjoy the last Christmas gift I got you & your husband <3) for he was theo nly mod/admin who gave a damn and had tried to help. For you to contact me after all this and basically plead for me to come back is something that is completely unnecessary because I've been wanting to come back especially as it's fnially scaling.

BUT YOU're missing the entire point. THE IDEA was to build my platform/following so that by the time we got to hsi point in time I'd have influencer status -- which any review of the analytics on the short time I was here will dictate the truth. Or the fact that it took no more than 8 months of daily tweets for me to get 2k followers (and with 200 followers -- no one but newsworthy accounts) so again me trying to illustrate that a bad actor profited off your platform, kicked off someone who was really contributing to your platform, warned you about the bad actor...what did I get for my troubles? "Steemit has followed you on Twitter." Thanks...but I'd much rather have my account back, my rep back, and all those flagged posts removed (particularly the ones where I regretted posting) because listen...

I"ll be the first to admit I"m not perfect. I have a big mouth. I say things I regret. I am flawed. I'm human. Cest La vie.

But I won't sit here and accept responsibility for being a martyr sacrificing all I've done to help benefit a platform that left me to die...then cost me X(u)^R WHERE X==steem i had, u = GOD KNOWS HOW much I'd have made had I contnued for the past couple years with R= the rate in which my handle was growing...which was very exponential, at a time when you guys were relatively unknown and still growing/scaling.

So the influencer status that I would've earned was robbed from me, along with 650 informative, detailed, LENGTHY (as you can tell from this tangent) I write a lot...but the flip side is my "TLDR" posts are very informative & detailed/layered.

So while you might think it's "TLDR" my followers disagreed, maybe because they don't mind reading? Seriously.. Let me know.

I"m glad you guys finally caught up to what I always kenw you had potential for...


I'm upset that I had to be a martyr for a cause that went ignored and then only to be proven right like the boy who cried wolf except I only cried wolf once leaving you guys to have no reason not to believe my pleas for help especially with all the evidence to substantiate it and nobody bothered to help. with the exception of Tim.


EDIT: I proofread quickly; still typed on my smartphone so forgive any grammatical mistakes...i think I've gotten my point across.

WARNING: I haven't learned then new mechanics as I'm still deciding whether to return to the platform... contingent on what changes were made...but if you think il'l come crawling back to you guys without so much as an apology; which in all honesty -- I'm baffled it's taken this long for you guys to even bother reaching out... you've got another thing coming

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I'll delete the post after youve read it and had a chance to reply...oh wait, i cant delete...but i can edit now? Nice. about time. So that solves one big problem. But what about the rest??? Specifically Time/Money/Resources and most importantly my APOLOGY.


Also would help if you took me off your blacklist...I'll take it down (all these comments) once I have received a response & know you've read it.