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Table of Content
Introductory..................................................................................... 4
Chapter 1: Do You Need Money to Be Happy?................................... 6
Chapter 2: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff ............................................ 8
Chapter 3: How Happy Are You? - Questions to Ask Yourself ..........10
Chapter 4: The Link Between Food And Happiness ..........................12
Chapter 5: Seven Mantras to Increase Your Happiness....................14
Chapter 6: Personality and Happiness .............................................16
Chapter 7: Why Living in the Moment Makes You Happier ...............18
Chapter 8: Hormones and Happiness...............................................20
Sometimes we make dramatic plans that are expected to bring
happiness into our lives, whether it be a vacation, graduation or
But the simple pleasures in life are what we can count on to give us
continuous joy. When we appreciate and enjoy the simple things, the
gratitude we feel will extend to other areas as well. Here are some of the
simple pleasures that are worth making an effort to experience often.
Freshly Cut Grass
Freshly cut grass is enjoyable in every way. The smell and feel of it under
your bare feet are fresh, and invigorate the senses. Try to experience this at
least a few times each year, as the weather allows it.
Giving and Receiving Smiles
What a better way to experience a simple pleasure for free? Give smiles not
only to your friends, but also to random strangers you pass on the street.
You will be amazed at how good it feels to see first the surprise of others,
and then their own smile in return.
The Endorphin Rush after Working Out
When you work out in a strenuous manner, you will get an endorphin rush
as a reward. These natural, feel-good chemicals are sure to brighten your
day. Work out in the morning in order to use this endorphin rush to help you
be especially productive throughout the rest of your day.
Enjoying Your Favorite Food
Even if your favorite food is not especially healthy, allow yourself to have it
every now and then. The feeling of your much-loved food will bring you a
little boost of pleasure. Studies have shown that if you refrain from a
particular food for a certain time, it will be even more enjoyable the next
time you try it, so use this trick to make your favorite meal taste even better
than usual.
Hot Cup of Coffee or Tea
Some of us survive on our daily coffee or tea. Even when it is a daily habit, it
can bring much joy. As you sip on your beverage of choice, take some quiet
time to enjoy every bit.
Making Snow Angels
This is not only for kids. Put on some warm clothes and simply fall into the
snow. Feeling silly about this will not ruin the experience, just embrace the
feeling of innocent fun that making snow angels can bring.
Laughing until It Hurts
Laughter is like medicine. Everyone should have an opportunity to laugh
until it hurts at least once a day. Whether it is with a friend who could write
comedy, or watching a good movie, take some time to laugh away your
Getting a Massage
If you have never had a massage, give it a try. This hour of total relaxation
will make your troubles feel as though they are melting away. Many
individuals are even entitled to massages through employee benefits.
Walking in the Rain
Walking in the rain is one of life’s amazing simple pleasures. Dress warm,
and go outside with or without an umbrella. Let the rain splash over your
face as you stroll along, and be sure to jump in at least one puddle for old
time’s sake.
Expensive fun is great, but can be hard to come by. Instead of waiting for
your next vacation, indulge in one of these simple pleasures. By learning to
appreciate the little things right next to you, you will find great fulfillment
each and every day.
Chapter 1: Do You Need Money to Be
As the saying goes, “Money can’t buy you happiness.” Or can it?
Having a sufficient amount of money can certainly lower stress, but
having an excess of it will not make you happier than anyone else.
So, can money buy you happiness or not? Here are a few thoughts to ponder
on the subject.
Money Can Buy You a Limited Amount of Happiness
Studies have shown that yes, having enough money to meet your needs and
those of your family does bring happiness. People living in poverty are
generally less happy than those whose needs are met. Being able to pay for
your bills and having enough to get by financially will help you succeed in
feeling happy.
Excess Money Doesn’t Equal Excess Happiness
Having more money than you need, however, will not bring you extra
happiness. Money and happiness are not proportional. Someone with enough
money to buy a large house and several cars will not necessarily have more
happiness than another individual with exactly what they need.
Money Brings Stresses of Its Own
There is stress that goes along with having money. Whether you have a little
or a lot, you likely know about this stress. There is the stress of knowing you
need to spend what you have wisely, as well as the fact that people with
ulterior motives are drawn to those who are financially wealthy.
Not About What Comes in But What Goes Out
It is not so much the amount of money that you make that ensures your
happiness, but about what you are spending it on and where it is going on
the way out. There are some principles for using money that can help you to
feel more satisfied. Where you put your money and who receives it can
make a difference as to whether you gained something by having had it.
Spend on Experiences, Not Things
Buying more things is not proven to make a person happy. Although
investing in items that will last seems like a wise move, studies show that
we tend to adjust to what we obtain. Having these things doesn’t continue
bringing unlimited happiness.
We are more likely to have long-term happiness when money is spent on
experiences which will give us lasting memories. Whether this means going
on vacation by yourself or with your family, or making time to do something
fun every now and then… be sure to create experiences rather than
purchasing something that will simply fade away over time.
Give It Away
Giving is one of the most satisfying things you can do with your money.
Whether it is to charity or a friend in need, find a way to give back and share
what you have. This is a way to spend that will bring long-term personal
The short answer is no; you do not need money to be happy. Money can be
useful, however, to prevent stress that can diminish the happiness that you
do have. No matter what amount of money you have, use these tips to help
achieve the level of happiness you desire, and live a life filled with joy.