The Mystery You Must Know: Smoke And Sacrifice

in smoke •  last year  (edited)

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What is smoke?

Smoke means burning something. And there is no smoke without something being burnt. So what are you burning? A sacrifice or what? Find out!

Turn your smoke into a sacrifice by giving something or putting something of value to that fire and reward will come.

How do you do that?

Human beings are smokes looking for something to burn. They have needs but lack the completed stuff to make that need come through. So complete it and receive a reward. Like completing someone's money to start a business or starting a new business for someone. Or feeding something or sponsoring someone. Anything you can support no matter how little. That is a sacrifice. But that sacrifice may never yield any result for you if you don't call the names "Sacrifice" before doing or giving and telling it what you want in return. Is very important.

Don't forget that.

Check out Smoke And Sacrifice T-shirts here:

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