Reasons why you don't have to SMOKE.

in smoking •  8 years ago 

Smoking causes heart disease, stroke, cancer, emphysema, chronic bronchitis.

Some of the effects that may be experienced after smoking tobacco include:

initial stimulation, then reduction in activity of brain and nervous system
increased alertness and concentration
feelings of mild euphoria
feelings of relaxation
increased blood pressure and heart rate
decreased blood flow to fingers and toes
decreased skin temperature
bad breath
decreased appetite
nausea, abdominal cramps and vomiting
coughing, due to smoke irritation.
there is no even one good reason why do you have to smoke.

Please try to stopsmoking..jpg smoking.

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You can also add to this the amount of $$$ it takes away from a person. I was a chain smoker for a long time but quit in 1999 when I gave my life to Christ. Still get the urge when I smell it but always resist that urge. Thanks for sharing.

Great post my friend!