RE: Mind-trick - 7 steps to leaving nicotine addiction behind while you move on...

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Mind-trick - 7 steps to leaving nicotine addiction behind while you move on...

in smoking •  8 years ago 

I would like to share what helped me to quit bad habits, which I had.
Originally it is not my thoughts. But because it helped me I want it to help others. And I hope other will find it valuable too. I apologize for my grammar, I am not native english speaker.

The thing which helped me to quit bad habits was understanding of information I once came across on the Internet. This information is not available in english, so I will try to pass this information in the original form here as much as I can.

I think majority of people here understand that things (events, news, presidents, policies and etc.) in our life are not happening on its own. There is always structures, powers and people interested in events to take one path or another. We often call this structures TPTB ("the powers that be"). This information also evolves from this assumption. That society could be pushed and controlled by various means. We can separate this means into categories or priorities.
We will begin from 6-th priority and for now I will name this information as: Quitting bad habits and Society control.

  1. Priority: Direct Force.

Take control of territory, resources or society is possible by use of direct force (guns, weapons, war). This method require very little time is very quick to achieve, but effect is lost immediately when direct force is no longer applied.

  1. Priority: Genocide Weapons.

This one is exactly falls in to idea of quitting bad habits. To destroy or control society "the powers that be" can use genocide weapons (narcotics, alcohol, tobacco, some vaccinations, GMO foods).
To hide this from society as a weapons, TPTB use culture, mass media, various images and common phrases. Genocide weapons are dangerous poisons.

TPTB portrait genocide weapons as harmless things to get relaxed, remove stress, get fun, as well as method not to get sick. Notice how champions, sportsman or race winner always get surrounded by champagne and pretty girls. TPTB want to present an false image that taking poison is the way to succeed in life. They want for poisons to associate in your minds with success.
We always shown to believe that you need to take poisons to be successful.
Society often cheering: “Let's drink to your success”. We all know that from poisons woman won’t be pretty and champion won’t be champion. It is delusional to think that opposite is true.

The powers that be use this method to achieve longer lasting control effect. It takes more time for them to achieve it. But once you on the hook there is less need to watch you as a cattle and the control and behavior predictability is more stable. It may seem for your as your own choose, but it is not. To hide the real truth society given to chooses - two lies. The Lie number 1 – take poisons with safe level. The Lie number 2 – take poisons without safe level.

You were not taking poisons when you born. This delusional behaviour was indoctrinated on you through culture, mass media, various images and common phrases, etc. So it is not your choose, since no life in universe has program for self destruction and the quite opposite is true. Genocide weapons also accomplishing the task of destroying man’s genes. Future generation will be less resistant less healthy with shorter life span. Others priorities will show how shorter life span of society helps TPTB get more control.
I would like you to understand it and at least be aware of manipulation. Please take control of your self in to your own hands.

  1. Priority: Money and Economy.

Many know this famous Rothschild’s quote, "Give me control of a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes its laws." Idea is for the society and economy to follow interest of TPTB. produce only thing they want. Like no development in new technologies that would make conventional fuels to be less valuable. Control achieved by means of interest on money. As example create only 100 units of money, give as loan to 10 people with 1 unit interest on each loan. So each person after some time should give back 11 units of money to TPTB. But because only 100 units of money have been created one of the 10 people won’t be able to repay the loan and default on it. Then TPTB can take assets from the person and have control over the person by charging more interest on the loan. In the meantime TPTB haven’t produce nothing, but have more control over time. To achieve it goals this method requires even more time than previous one, but with much longer lasting results.

  1. Priority: Facts interpretation.

Using various ideologies, religions, fashions, styles, etc, TPTB can produce conflicts between social groups using which looks like spontaneous triggers.
Even majority of people understand that God, creator of universe, or what ever society calls it is a very same thing for every religion, even though it produces desired effect of separation. This includes how different religion or fashions describes how society should to dress up and etc.
To apply this method on society requires considerable amount of time, but with effects lasting decades and longer.

  1. Priority: Historical data.

Quote by George Orwell: "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past"
By manipulating facts in the history books TPTB can control future social behaviour. For that reason every new rulers who come to power want to rewrite history books. Society which has no memories of its own past, has no future.

  1. Priority: Good and Bad.

This most powerful control mechanism of society. If TPTB able to change perception of what is good and what is bad in the society, then society will defend interests of TPTB and will be complete slaves. Today we can see how mass media promote and pushing on us “new normal”, “new world order” and “agenda 21”. Likes GMO foods, negative interest rates, cashless society, chip implants in our bodies, total surveillance, taxes, internet control, censorship, you name it...

In the past all this mechanisms of society control were hidden from public and were available only for selected elite. But right now speed of information flow is far greater than before, which give us ability to understand this process. Today being aware of society control priorities every person able take conscious decisions and resist being manipulated from all six different methods. So please take this knowledge with you share it with people you love and care about.

I really hope this information will be helpful for people and will allow them to quit bad habits as well as get understanding of events in our life.
Best wishes for every one.

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