in smt •  7 years ago  (edited)


Dear reader,

Alternative social media platforms are under attack. The ability to speak your mind is fundamental to a free and open society. Not only google can remove your site from it's index but the thought police can go after your domain provider just like when GAB.AI was forced to censor a post after registrar company issued a threat.

This is why it is important to get Gab.ai, Minds.com, Medium.com and others on the blockchain ASAP.

Please retweet my post on twitter to get their attention. (link here)

The Future Is Now

The technology that allow the next generation of social media sites to on-board on the blockchain is here! Steemit Inc just released the whitepaper on the new SMT (Smart Media Token). This is a very important development in the industry and everyone who's in the field should read the whitepaper.

If you are not a steemit.com user and you don't know about the STEEM blockchain, I highly suggest reading the bluepaper. In short, the STEEM blockchain has proven for almost 2 years now that we can do social media on the blockchain with success. Steemit.com, the proof of concept website is now in the top 2000 websites in the world. But in short, STEEM has

  • No Cost of Transaction (No Fees)
  • Instant Transactions
  • Can Scale to Your Needs
  • Reward users who posts content and curate content

But before Smart Media Tokens, there were not a lot of incentives for already existing platforms such as MEDIUM, Gab.ai and others to join. Now there is.

How It Works


With Smart Media Tokens, now Gab.ai and others can fund their operation quite easily without depending on donations. All they would need is to create a token on the STEEM blockchain and then issue it just like a ERC-20s token on ethereum, decide of the perimeter that fulfill their needs, have their stash of "founders coins" and then integrate their own GAB token on their website. Boom! Now they have:

  1. Funding for their business
  2. Have a distribution mechanism for their coin
  3. Instant monetarily value via the Steem Decentralized Exchange

If they wanted to and take it to the next level, they could have all their content on the blockchain and also benefit from the arbitrary reward system that allow the platform to get a % of all rewards on their site.

Last Words

If you or someone you know want to onboard your community, a forum or a social media site on the blockchain please contact @andrarchy on steemit.chat or send him an email at [email protected]

Also, Steemit INC has created a landing page: https://smt.steem.io which is worth looking at.

PS: Please Retweet This Tweet For Me. Thanks
PS(2): Want more information about Smart Media Tokens? Follow the #smt tag and discover what other people think about the SMT token. @donkeypong also has a wonderful article about the end of the paywall that you should check out.

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An SMT will be traded through STEEM, so we won't have a bunch of SMTs and STEEM just one of them. We will have STEEM, and then a bunch of SMTs on top of STEEM. Market-wise, this will most likely boost demand for STEEM, as a token.

Also, the SMT generation mechanism is way more complex than just a token issuance on the Ethereum platform. When you launch an SMT, you literally launch a thin layer of Steem-application-processes on top of your content, including your own rewards pool, your own inflation model, your own voting and curation algorithms and your own vesting mechanism.

Hope this helps.

SMTs change the game. They can monetize most of the Internet. The sites that implement these tokens early will have an advantage.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

heres 15 cents @donkeypong so your comment can be over $1!
SMT seems to be why steem is up 15% today! this news is making whales stock up!

look at this awesome recent upswing!

wow looking good! steem is strong and this news and the new official steemit app will make steem hit $10 !

I gotta learn me up on this, ty !

Actually I didn't know about this amazing block chain technology until I read your post and I checked "https://smt.steem.io/" and found this few interesting news and features about this technology!

  • "Proof-of-Brain is a type of tokens rewards algorithm that encourages people to create and curate content."
  • "It enables tokens to be distributed by "upvote" and "like"-based algorithms and can be integrated with websites to align incentives between application owners and community members to spur growth."

We can create our own tokens :O Actually I have no idea how it work but I will figure it out!

Thank you very much for sharing such wonderful information with us! Yeah as you said:


Great stuff

just noticed this from Ned on youtube (I don't think this is in your post, if it is, sorry) Smart Media Tokens: The Future of a Tokenized Internet

... maybe this is on dtube as well, not sure

This is the most excited I have been in months! Awesome post @cryptoctopus!

Thank you for explaining this in a way a layman like me can understand. This is a game changer!

Exciting news, that open the possibility for a new era, sooner than we thought...
Really, cant stop thinking about the implications of this!...

@cryptoctopus - Sir, I don't know a lot about SMT, but it looks like a valuable update of the steemit social media platform. So, I wish to retweet it Sir.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

tell me something

So I'm not sure about how would creating these tokens on the STEEM blockchain would affect the Steemit platform.. I mean: how would it affect processing time, price of STEEM, amount of outstanding STEEM/SBD (would it affect SBD at all?), etc?

all the backend stuff was dealt with. Scaleability is not an issue for now or the foreseeable future. STEEM will be the main token against which all the other tokens will be exchanged for on the DEX...Moon time my friend.

This is what social media should be , not for liking pictures or gossiping , bit expand technology , create a better Econ O'Malley and build your dreams . I like this very much

nice thought... we are living in a glimpse of the future / let us hope (-:

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I dont know much about SMT Token, but very much curious to learn anything related to development of steemit. Thanks for sharing.

Game changing. This is huge.

This is that thing you were talking about that was going to change everything!

Congratulations @cryptoctopus, this post is the second most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superhero or Legend account holder (accounts hold greater than 100 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superhero and Legend account holders during this period was 30 and the total pending payments to posts in these categories was $2465.34. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories, click here.

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my block chain token will be called " tell the boss to shove his job up his arse , and tickle my balls with a feather coin " thats if the names not already taken ??

Gab is full of Nazis. I don't believe that "non-whites should be killed because they are subhumans" type of speech should be allowed on public platforms. It is harassing speech. Let me show you a Gab post:

Oh, oh, oh!
Let's go fry a kike
Clean up the Crown Heights
Let's go fry a kike and send his ashes
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Oh, lets go fry a kike

Stupid people everywhere. Twitter has islamic hate preachers that doesn't get censored.

I have issue with your assertion "Islamic hate preacher". There are of course Muslims on twitter that preach hate but that type of haters exist in other communities as well. But you are you calling them "Islamic"? Does them being Muslim somehow automatically make them inspired by Islam?

I don't think so. You see, there are Muslims in african that have never read the Quran nor have any idea of what Islam means cause of puberty. They can barely survive with the little money they earn. Calling them inspired by Islam would be as ridiculous as calling Nazis inspired by Christianity.

You see, fanatical extremists always seek to market their beliefs with the dominant culture or religion. Example: In India, the secular king named Shibaji who literally had a Muslim military general and a multi-faith army is often marketed as an anti Muslim ruler who defeated the "Muslim mongol army" (that's also not true. The mongol army had huge number of Hindu troops).

They are doing this cause the general public revere Shibaji. If they say that Muslims are bad and we should kill them all, the public will just ignore them. But when they come up with, hey, Shibaji defeated the Muslims and killed Muslims. Now we should follow his teachings. That gets onto the head of public. More and more people start thinking, hey, shibaji did this, then it must be good, cause they already revere him.

It is just plain simple. Extremists try to divide communities because that supports their interests. So, I think it is wrong to associate them with any race (it doesn't even exist) and religion.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

ok man, no need to dissect how he mentioned islamic "hate preachers"
sad that youre sounding very SJW, i dont even wanna go over how its wrong to take free speech away from people just because you labdl them nazis...lets just worry abou crypto

Is Islam a religion or a race? You seem to be saying that Muslims are people, a race, and not a religion, that some Muslims may not even be Muslims, but are Muslims, but are not being Muslims, are not reading the Quran, are not praying 5 times a day, not doing all the things Islam teaches, Jihadism, Sharia Law.

Muslims are a cultural group. Catholics are a cultural group. Christians are a cultural group. They have a lot of things that are common among their group.

And there is no textbook definition of what a religion teaches. There are some churches that support gay marriage, some are hellbent on killing gays. You can't really say for sure what a religion teaches because these teachings are actually dictated by generally religions leaders and they come to different forms in different regions.

The other day I was reading a post on r/cryptocurrency which called religion a scam. That people are being scammed by religious leaders by the use of illusion of God or an external power. Logically speaking, only one religious creed could be true or all of them are false. Even if one creed turns out to be true, all the others are then false and therefore scams.

But people mostly general public doesn't really care about whether their religion is a scam or not or what it is about. They generally follow the religion their parents taught to them. The majority restrict it to following customs.

The Bible is against Homosexuality according to Romans 1. When churches approve homosexuality, they go against the Bible and therefore going against Christianity. Do you like Jihadism? Do you want Europe to die? You need to see that Europe is being murdered right now each day, right now, each day, like never before.

Great post!

SMT looks like being a very positive development for the Steem platform. I will be watching it with interest.

Upvote please.. i want sbd .. hehehe

Shared via Twitter! Hoping some news group will pick this up, it would be the first steps in a new era of independent journalism, where truth and depth would be rewarded!


good like follow my @mosabhelal

Thanks for the info @cryptoctopus its really helpful

Very interesting article @cryptoctopus..😊
I think you taken a long vacation after your marriage.. this is second post I seen after your marriage..
I'm really happy with your article and would like to study it bit more.. I'm really grateful in your effort..🤗
Upvoted and Steem on..!🍻👍

Thanks for this info

Simply awesome post and developments. Resteemed.

Upvote and reestem

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I've only known about this thing for a few minutes, and I can already tell it's going to be big.

Thank you for the post @cryptoctopus

the future is right now @crytoctopus

Thanks for sharing upcoming development.

I pholo you uour post grate so thanks

The internet just got tokenized by the great and smart team at a Steemitized Steemit ecosystem. This changes everything as we know it.

congratulation friend awesome post.please follow me.we help each other @shiqder

That's super awesome! I hope alt social media can really get this rolled out asap. Huge boost for market outreach and they are less dependent of companies that seek to get rid of them (like the recent GAB situation)

Very interesting, thank you for the info and the links. I will need to learn more about this.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So apart from rewarding the content creators directly without the intermediaries who rip off major portion of the income, this is the reason why social media platforms should be put on the Blockchain as soon as possible! Thanks for highlighting this @cryptoctopus! An eye opener for SMT!

New ones should but not Facebook.

Thanks for this update i need to check out the links thanks for adding them here :)

just Awesome..

Very interesting, good post and I like, hopefully the next post better with a more perfect idea. follow me @pojan, Upvote and give a positive comment for me.


I want to create my own cryptocurrency that would be cool. Sounds like I now might be able to.

Fantastic post and put simply too. This really is a game changer particularly regarding freedom of speech on the internet. Djr420

Followed, upvoted and resteemed....

You right. But, if we want to change the world, we must stop Facebook domination !!!

Thank you for always explaining such news in such simple words that even a cook like me can understand what it is actually and what are the benefits! I have read quite some posts since the announcement made by @ned and i was little confused, but now all clear mate!
Steem to the moon now!
Get ready for the launch!!!

Congratulations, your post received one of the top 10 most powerful upvotes in the last 12 hours. You received an upvote from @thejohalfiles valued at 92.24 SBD, based on the pending payout at the time the data was extracted.

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Wow, this thing can change everything. It can bring nowadays society closer to the idea of freedom of speech. The technology is changing faster than ever and the ones who do not adapt will be left behind. I am more than happy to resteem this :)

I shared your post on my twitter.


Good to see freedom of speech is back


That video is the bomb! I am very much excited to learn about this....opening Steemit today was like a huge surprise!

Like hot pockets.

Thank you for the Great Work. So Wonderful!!!

thanks for sharing.

Thanks for sharing. this post became a science for me. success for everything @cryptoctopus

Absolutely great.
Can't think of a better way to monetize groups and communities.

Dear sir
New to steemit so upvote to you
Please visit my link and upvote my post sir

Alternative media based on facts/research such as INFOWARS can also use this to beat the current giants of fake news, with reward systems build in the TRUTH will easly stand out.

Facebook also bragging about removing fake news during the german elections, they will no longer decide what is fake news and what is not fake news.

Even going back in the past of the Iraq invasion with regards to Nuclear Bombs, everything will be in the open, whether this information is based upon fact or fiction.

Great Work, i love it!

a very good post,,,,

Nice post @cryptoctopus

Hey cryptoctopus (lol, I still get a kick out of saying your name),

I am so pumped about this announcement that it's ridiculous.Picture Medium getting on board. Phworrr!! :D:D

Check out some of my thoughts on my STEEM Smart Media Tokens + STEEM/USD and STEEM/BTC Charts blog.

Peace mate!

Congratulations @cryptoctopus!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 7 with $ 334,6

Very good and wonderful content

Thank you for posting.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

How are you friends steemit hopefully still given the security and health.
And hopefully your days are fun, with your latest posts, which give a lot of inspiration and benefit to the loyal readers of Steemit.

@cryptoctopus your many great posts. This is a very interesting and useful post, so it is my heart's intention to read and see in detail the posts you share. I voted and followed you.

You mean this kind of decentralized exchange?

Please mind that we already have Smart Media Tokens today they are called User Issued Assets or UIA's and yo can create them on #bitshares. Or am I missing something?

“a site is full of such racist nazi garbage that their registrar suspended their domain name... so let’s get them over here ASAP!”

you’ll forgive me if i don’t share your enthusiasm for onboarding users from gab and affiliated sites.

Gab maybe sucks if you are not there. That is life. What you are saying can be said about any place. But Gab is not a place but an idea like Steemit. But Gab needs to try blockchain technology like Bitchute, assuming Bitchute is on a blockchain like Steemit and maybe Minds too.

thank you so much for sharing it

I have 2 tokens on Minds.com. So, I'm assuming that may also mean Minds i now on an Ethereum blockchain, but Microsoft is still threatening Gab. Plus, Info Wars should try blockchain technology as well if they haven't.

Thank for share resteem